Did You Sleep Well Last Night? Democrats pass health care bill in the middle of the night

This is really insane. I cannot believe that we have gotten this far . Yes, it was a sad day for the nation, but hopefully the beginning of the end for the socialist Democrats They will face the voters and get a taste of hell. Democrats held ranks early Monday in a dead-of-night procedural vote that proved they had locked in the decisive margin needed to pass a far-reaching overhaul of the nation’s health care system. The roll was called at 1 a.m., with Washington still snowbound after a weekend blizzard, and the Senate voted on party lines to cut off a Republican filibuster. Democrats like Ben and Bill Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Mark Pryor, Blanche Lincoln, Mark Warner, Jim Webb, Kay Hagan, Jim Tester, Max Bacus, Byron Dorgan, Kent Conrad and Tim Johnson. As long as conservative states keep electing fake "moderate" Democrats, we will have this problem.

And then there's Arlen Spector, and JOE LIEBERMAN, and a few other despicable men and women who has to GO HOME and find a real job.

I pray tonight that enough Americans are aware of what this will do, that enough care, and that enough are willing to act to see this stopped. I am sick at heart because I am doubtful, and I can't help but think I have seen the United States effectively become a socialist country. YOUR government IS NOT LISTENING TO YOU ANYMORE.

When the average person hears that the government is working on health care reform, does anyone think that will include the threat of fines and jail if they don’t’ buy insurance? How did the “news” media miss that one? And does the average person really care, as long as they think they are getting something free?
This is another nail in the coffins for every one of these 60 pitiful bureaucrats come re-election day! Nelson is voting against 2-thirds of Nebraskans that put his fat ass in Congress and vehemently oppose this ridiculous bill by caving in to his Marxist party! He (Nelson) got even a better deal then the $300 million in Medicaid assistance Sen. Landrieu of Louisiana got for her support.
It has been reported Nebraska will now not have to pay any of the additional Medicaid costs associated with this bill forever. They bought Nelson, his moral standards are nothing nore than a bought and paid for prostitute would be. So Nebraska will have 100% of Medicaid foe life for this vote. This is now three states that will get full funding for Medicaid and 47 states that won't. Then the 47 state will then have to make-up the differences of these 3 state. This is really a CRIME, but nobody gives a crap.
Forget about just being thrown out of office, these incompetent fools deserve to be thrown in jail for what they have done.
This is a great day for all Illegal aliens.

2008 can kiss my ass...---------here is I hoping that 2009 will be better!