Obama's $4,000/Day, Two-Week Christmas Vacation

This whole story makes me want to throw up my Christmas turkey

Imagine the outrage if any Republican President went on vacation during a recession and spent $4,000 a night on accommodations. On ABC’s Good Morning America Wednesday, correspondent Yunji de Nies seemed to suggest that President Obama’s family will be spending such an amount renting expensive living space at an estate house in Hawaii for a two-week Christmas vacation. De Nies: "Christmas trees here aren't cheap – neither is staying in this $8.9 million house, which runs $4,000 a night. The Obamas rented this one and the two next door for family and friends. When you spend that kind of money, people pay attention to detail."

De Nies did not specify exactly how much is being spent or where the money is coming from, though the amount may even be significantly more than $4,000 a day as she related that "the two next door" were also being rented for family and friends of the Obamas. The ABC correspondent also recounted that the estate house overlooks a beach popular with royalty: "But it's the master bedroom and its breathtaking view that is the crown jewel. Kailua Beach has been ranked the island's best, a favorite of Hawaiian royalty."

There is NO end to the Liberal Insanity of Barack Obama and his minions. Imagine the outrage if any Republican President went on vacation during a recession and spent $4,000 a night on accommodations." There have been so many double standards... Imagine if Bush, Blame Bush, It's Bush's fault ... You know, it's not always bad news and complaining - here's a ray of sunshine: the liberals are arguing with their liberal press now: did Messiah promise a "public option" while on the campaign or not? Can even those moonbats be awakened from their long sleep not holding a lapdog slobbering media into account?