A Northwest Airlines passenger from Nigeria who said he was acting on al-Qaeda’s instructions set off an explosive device Friday in a failed terrorist attack on the plane as it was preparing to land in Detroit
The flight was 20 minutes from the airport when what sounded like a firecracker exploded, witnesses said. One passenger jumped over others and tried to subdue the man. Shortly afterward, the suspect was taken to a front-row seat with leg burns. One U.S. intelligence official said the explosive device was a mix of powder and liquid that failed to fully detonate.
The White House said "it believed: it was an attempted act of terrorismAlthough this attempt failed this is very bad news. The facts of course may change as they do in these early reports and of course Obama will want to cover up the true threat. Before this is over, some will follow Obama's lead and proclaim why the blond white guy acted stupidly to a peace loving misunderstood victim of color.
Here's the problem, this was a sophisticated bomb with a chemical trigger. Apparently it didn't go off, it went on fire and was burning the terrorist's legs. That's what created the smoke and the flames reported to by higher than the height of the seats (New York Daily News.)
The hero on the flight took immediate action leaping over seats to tackle the guy. If the bomb worked properly I suspect he and no one on that flight would have stood a chance.
Our DEAR Leader President Barack Obama's response:
"Let's just relax and not jump to any conclusions, especially any animus toward Muslims, terrorist and especially Nigeria"
We all know that Senator Obama would have asked Congress to investigate the Bush Administration under reverse circumstances had this airline attack happened two years ago. As it would have been BUSH'S FAULT. So I hope Barry’s 2008 so-far empty pledge of transparency will at least be honored when it comes to protecting American citizens.