Obama and Harry Reid are the Pimps, the Democrat Senators are the whores

Nelson is another political whore. He saw the payoff Mary Landrieu got payed off($300 million) and he just held out for more. He was always going to vote for the bill, he just was waiting for the right price. Vote him and every single Dem out of office in 2010.
Liberal Progressives will not be happy until they have destroyed the U.S. health care system... like everything else they have touched..... Hopefully they will be the first in line to enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a government run health care system....long waits, inferior treatments, no more cutting edge technology.... hey by the way... you libs where is all the cutting edge technology for medicine coming out of these days since according to you we have the worst health care in the world....
You Liberals are the idiots that perpetuate this kind of thinking. You want something for nothing. Never have to earn it, have it handed to you on a silver platter. Lazy, worthless and lacking in any common sense. Public option means government run - government does not have to compete they just go the the taxpayer and require more money to keep them afloat. The post office is a prime example. They are not the same system and do not have the same responsibilities. It's like comparing apples and oranges.
Senator Nelson is just another lying, cheating, worthless nitwit that folded to the pressure and will now be looking for a new place to live after the voters get through with him. What is it with the Democratic leadership that they are bent on political self-destruction?
The corruption in the White House by Obama and his mobsters is unparalled in the History of what once was the greatest Country in the world. Obama bribed Nelson and everyone knows it as he has bribed others. I assure you my fellow Americans that many people will lose their lives under the rationing and restrictions imposed by this bill Do not believe the public optio is gone as they will come in the backdoor. Americans, if you do not impeach Obama for bribery and fraud and throw every single person who backed this bill and the stimulus packages...then you are truly blind as to what is happening to your Country. Welcome to Sicialism...say Good Bye to America. Obama was planning this all along.