Shaw Kenawe over at that liberal infested blog Progressive Eruptions.
Has a little discussion going on about Who Is The Worse President Ever. As for me, it’s not even close. It’s Barack Hussein Obama, t his guy has declared war on the citizens of his own country. Cap and trade, TARP, OMNIBUS, Healthcare, Immigration reform, Card check and Stimulus; These are ALL issues that a majority of Americans are/were against. Individual liberty is slipping away. When a so called leader goes directly in conflict of the majority, only drastic consequence will follow. This presidency will be one for the books if it is allowed to be printed. He has only been in office for about 11 months now, not even a year and he has surpassed Jimmy Carter. .. Now I know that Shaw has an obsession with Barry, bu to say that this CREEP is good for America is not only nuts but it’s INSANE! I would say he's the worst president in modern times and perhaps in ALL time. . And I don't think it's possible for him to turn it around because his values and belief system is so far out in left field. He has trouble not only connecting with a majority of Americans but he doesn't understand how to make good decisions in their interest. Yes, Barry wins with flying colors!!! He has single handedly done more damage in 9 months than any other president in our history. Yet his mind-numbed followers blindly follow him where ever he goes. He says absolute Bullsh*t so smoothly that the media rave over how well he speakes. And his ego continues to grow. Carter is starting to look pretty smart right about now. BUt God wiling, the American people will put a majority of conservatives in office in 2010 and shut him down from anymore of this circus he calls an administration. And with his ambition to shut down any voice of decent, he looks a lot like Nixon. I am sure Barry will go down as the worst president of all in our history to-date period. 2010 is coming.... As a matter of fact the Governors races next week will show a beginning trend back to conservatism. Get ready.........LMAO. Over 10% unemployment, the spineless (or worse) president waffling on supporting our troops in a theater of war, an unconstitutional take-over attempt of the Healthcare system, Taking over private industry and dictating how those businesses are run, etc..... As a result, the elections this past November clearly went to the right. Just a preview of 2010 and 2012....LOL Barry may be the best thing to ever happen to conservatism if he doesn't screw the country totally in the next year before the adults (that’s the conservatives if you were wondering) get back in power. You silly liberals kill me. Can't make a good logical argument so you start with the name calling. You guys need to mature as a group and start using what ever brains you may have....unless you are too much under the Lord Barry's spell........LOL....LMAO... Oh I can't stand it. the ground-swell of un-rest among everyday Americans that don't like the Crap this administration is attempting to shove down our collective throats. Look at the election results of 1993 prior to the Conservative Landslide of 1994 during the Clinton admin. Looks strangely the same. In short, the people have finally begun to wake up and realize how dangerous this narcissus in-chief we have elected is. He is more worried about his and Miss Michelle ma belle's photo ops than actually doing his job. What a joke (bad though it may be) he is!!! The people will prevail and it will begin with a blanket take-over of Congress and Senate in 2010. Then we will begin to have enough Conservative teeth to shut this communist President down and put the people back in their God-given role of ownership of this fine country. May Obama fail at everything he attempts is my fervent prayer as everything he attempts is another stab in the back to all us real Americans. .... May God Bless America! As for Shaw Kenawe, you stay with that warm fuzzy feeling. It makes reality easier to handle for you and those like you who are in denial.
Hey Bill, I even got You beat!