Harry Reid and his cadre of communists know that they are going to take a beating in 2010 so it does not matter what the people' want, and any entitlement that is signed into law is never ever repealed. He is willing to sacrifice his political career for a win. And that is the biggest problem in leftist politics today to wit: it does not matter if a bill is good or bad for the country, winning is the only thing that counts.
Reid is still hoping to pick off a couple of RINO's so a couple of liberals can vote no and get political cover. The best strategy now is for the Republicans to force a reading of the bill (yes, on Christmas Eve).
When it comes down to the vote, these people who are Democrats, will vote for the Democrat bill. Period. It's all about control. And make no mistake about it, Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman are to blame for this. Blame them, not the Republicans! The Republicans stood their ground from day ONE! At least you knew where they stood.
We have to keep fighting it as long as we can, just to keep them from getting on to the next takeover. Don't let them have it easy, but in the end, this bill or something they can remake later will pass. We have to fight them every way we can.
It won't pass this year and next year they are getting too close to the mid-term election. They still want to force amnesty for illegal immigrants down our throats to try and protect their majority. But have no fear my friends... Worse is coming
I thought Obama would be clever enough to dupe a few RINO senators into voting for the health care bill in exchange for a few pieces of silver. I guess I over-estimated him.