Forget about Mary Landrieu Louisiana’s $300 Million Hooker. We now have the Biggest Son of a Bitch that US Politics has ever produced. And lets not let Joe Lieberman off the hook either!
Ben Nelson of Nebraska, you cantankerous bastard, all you needed was a little
push. He got it with 13 hours of negotiations. Nelson puts Democrats at 60.
And by the way Joe Lieberman remains to be the asshole he always was..
Are You Mad As Hell And Don't Want To Take It Anymore?
Now is your chance to let them know. I'll be blunt. The ‘health care reform’ legislation under consideration in the Senate is the most corrupt piece of legislation in our nation’s history. Yes, we understand that is a strong statement and there have been other abominations throughout our nation’s life. But never before did corrupt legislation threaten to radically and forever change the live’s of every American. We all knew he was a whore, we just didn't know what his price was going to be and how high priced a whore he was..
Exhibit A is the outright bribe extracted by Sen. Ben Nelson DEMOCRAT, from Harry Reid. alos DEMOCRAT as a result of Nelson’s performance in his role of Hamlet in the health care deliberations, we will have two health care systems in this country; one for Nebraska and one for the other 49 states.
Medicaid is a program whose costs are split between the federal and state governments, this expansion in eligibility raise costs dramatically for states. States will be forced to either raise taxes or cut other services to accommodate the forced increase in Medicaid spending.
Unless that state is Nebraska.
Now back to that meaningless piece of paper called the US Constitution:Article 4 Section 2: .The Citizens of each state shall be entitled to all the Privileges and Immunities of the Citizens in the several states.
So I guess that now the other whores in the Senate must be kicking themselves for not holding out longer.
BYE BYE, Sen. Nelson, you are DONE, just like that other SOB Lincoln, and hopefully that pathetic Landrieu as well.
Nelson is the worst kind of self serving political whore and a traitor to the state of Nebraska and all other liberty loving people in this country.
People let’s not let these fools and enemies like Nelson, Reid, Franken, Polosi, Murtha, Boxer, Feinstein, Landreau, Lincoln and yes McCain,… be reelected just because they bring home the bacon. Many (probably the majority) of Americans are selfish and care really care less about the rest of us as long as they get theirs. It's time for us evil Conservatives to get mad, very mad.
Washington is totally lawless. The whole place is abound with Obama and his 40 thieves. This is a piece of unconstitutional legislation in the face of taxpayers for the express purpose of destroying freedoms. Liberals losing elections don't faze these people. They are like a person who knows he's going to get fired so he robs and vandalizes the store where he works before leaving.
Nelson will find out (probably as former-Senator) is that future Congresses are not bound by deals made today. And that his day will come just like the other finks that have betrayed us.