Obama administration’s response to the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day.

Why do they keep referring to this Muslim terrorist as a "Nigerian young man", as though his birthplace is relevant. He's a Muslim, and that is relevant, He's a Terrorist, and that is relevant. Not it's his religion, not his origins, that made him attempt to blow up an airplane full of people.

That said, Obama's way of dealing with blips on his radar, which someone else is operating, by the way, is to stall, then make a half-arsed excuse, then go on vacation.

the liberals think that Obama laying low after a crisis is his coolness under pressure.What it really is,is obama waiting for the smoke to blow over so he can make a politically correct response to it.Continuing to talk to the interior dept people after the Ft Hood shootings shows this.It was almost an afterthought and his words had no passion behind him.

The other thing that happens is his sping people get togetgeter with the state controlled media to control the message. Like with Ft. Hood the CYAers will be out in force defending what happened her.They'll try to make a sob story out of the bomber.

Now they're saying this morning racial or ethnic profiling won't work.Holder was correct when he said we've become a nation of cowards only he was identifying the wrong people.
If Obama was "Really" serious,
he could start by asking for the resignation of his worthless Homeland Security Secretary, who is just a lying pies of shit.
Any why won’t Obama say anything that might hurt the feelings of the Muslims? But he is so fast to agree with anyone who believes America sucks. He seems to hold on to the absurd notion that poverty breeds terrorism. He can’t bring himself to identify who and what the enemy is.

We have a president that does not care about us. It is very clear that he could care less. That “speech” yesterday was the second worst he has made. No emotion or compassion, nothing. What a worthless POS he is.
What a so called “leader” he is.
Meanwhile, the guy is playing golf in Hawaii. Oh I forgot, his “Friend” got hurt by a surfboard so he came home! Why didn’t he come home when a airplane full of Americans were seconds away from being killed by a TERRORIST!
And why did it take him 4 days to address the nation?
For Obama to actually call this killer an “isolated extremist” shows just how out of touch this guy really is. And with a fool like Janet Napolitano at the helm of Homeland Security, I’m already stocking up on supplies in my survival bunker

The attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack on the Northwest airplane is just a preview of the destiny that waits for us in 2010 and beyond.