Lefties, Are You Satisfied With Your Hope and Change Yet?

A few words of wisdom from me to you!
Where is the common sense in this bill that’s over two thousand pages long. It’s all smoke and mirrors to the taxes that will be nailed onto something that will not go into effect for a couple of years but the taxes go on immediately and will never end... . Are you liberal people blind to this?

Obama sent the 30,000 ( or said he would) to Afghanistan in order to show he was more moderate in order to get health care and cap and trade through. They stand for nothing except the socialist/Marxist agenda.
I fully believe that the Democrats are willing to fall on their swords over health care reform. I think they believe that passing this legislation will give them a lock on future elections, even if they lose control of both houses of Congress in the mid-term elections. If the Democrats lose control of the House and the Senate, the Republicans will most likely pass legislation to repeal this monstrosity
Nothing is what they say, nothing is what it seems with them. you can’t except any one thing they say, you have to look at the body of work. A takeover of our economy and our way of life is their aim again more "smoke and mirrors"!
In my humble opinion the reality is that Barack Obama has been a marginalized president for over 10 months now and has not been and will not be able to sign into law any serious domestic bills.
And what in heaven’s name did he offer to Joe Lieberman to once again flip-flop? I personally am sick and tired of this two faced lying turn-coat. They should re-name him "Cave In Joe"!

The Senate has just about one week to cram ObamaCare down our throats, but I don’t believe it will get done. ObamaCare is getting more intense inertia from other scared Democrat & RINO senators…. Thus the call to arms by Obama to the White-hose and the arm twisting, and the bribes, and the threats! Talking about the threats, did you hear that When Senator Ben Nelson a Democrate from Nebraska, would not cave in to passing a bill in which federal funds were used for abortion Obama and Rahm Emmanuel actually THREATENED TO CLOSE THE AIR BASE IN OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Hows that for pure unadulterated black-mail! This kind of governing is getting out of control. And you libs can't see the Marxism here? Last week we saw Mary Landrieu's 300 million buy-off, we saw Hillary Clinton's 6 million campaign bills paid off, we saw 80% of stimulus money going to democratic districts and 20% to republican districts, we saw billions of dollars go to ACORN and democratic slush funds and Obama say "I din't know it was that much", and now this. I guess that corruption is being practised openly now.

What is very disturbing about this whole horrendous process is that when you have only 36% of the American public supporting this plan. Obama has been campaigning for ObamaCare since April of this year. That's 10 months! Ten months and still so much rejection by the American public. When will enough be enough?

When we win in 2010, I hope they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, just like they are threatening to do to George Bush and Dick Cheney.

It's clear that Obama is a weak, spineless "bowing" idiot. I don't know how in the hell this happen to America? But you liberals have nothing to complain about, YOU WANTED HIM!! you were all thrilled and over-joyed over him, oh he's so wonderful and he's Black!!! It didn't matter what kind of an idiot he was as long as he was Black that's all you cared about, so enjoy him, you got him. And I love it when I hear those liberas saying "He can't possibly do worse than Bush" Well supprise, supprise, he did, and he did it in record time!

And now he wants to TORTURE these Terrorist prisoners by moving them from a sunny Caribbean Island to cold and snowy Illinois. But lets face it he ONLY reason for doing this is so that Barack Obama Hussein can say he closed Gitmo as he promised. He doesn't give a damb about what the people think or about the consequences. Once these bastards step on US soil, every creep and every scum lawyer in the country will be pushing to give them all the rights that a US citizen has, and you know where that’s going to lead don’t you!

So here we have Obama, making his list to Santa and checking it twice to give everything the enemy has asked for so that Obama would be LIKED by his Muslim buddies.

Lefties, are you satisfied with your Hope and Change yet? Ah, Change!!!! It always sound fantastic, especially when enhanced by the oratory skills of an Obama. But in truth, he is not about change, but the same, tired, left wing politics of the Democrats.