Ahmadinejad wants Israel to Attack Iran
It's also Obvious that Arab Unity is Need of a LONG Overdue Boost in that Region.
What better way to Accomplish both than to have Israel become the Focal Point of Collective Arab Rage again?
An Attack by Israel would be Strateegeryic, Targeting Real or Perceived Noo-cue-LAR Sites, and would come with limited Civilian Casualties.
This would be just enough to Satisfy the Increasingly and Justifiably Edgy Jewish Population in the Region, while not being so much that it Causes all out War in the Region, which would not be Beneficial for ANYONE.
Because Regardless of what Ahk-muh-Jihadidahd CLAIMS about Iran, Israel is VERY Nuclear and MORE than Willing to Use it.
It would also Rally not only Iranians together, but much of the Arab World Against a Common Enemy that they have been Loosing Sight of in Recent years, what with all of our Happenings and Goings on over there since Saddam Invaded Kuwait almost 2 Decades ago… Damn, it’s been that Long, hasn’t it.
Barry would Issue a Firm Condemnation of the Action, while Respecting Israel's Right to the Protect itself, blah, blah, blah...
Anyway, that's one Cracker's Opinion… So when it Happens, you Read it here FIRST!
And if doesn’t, I won’t Acknowledge that I ever Made the Prediction… I Learned that Tactic from my Friends on the Left!
Let’s clear the air right now
I'm certain fools that don't know any better will buy the propaganda and the fools that do know better will propagate the propaganda because it suits their purpose. The media lies about everything and they should be ignored. Meanwhile, the Left, including Obama, is taunting the citizens. Comments such as '...passing a bill so that we can see what's in it,' '...control the people,' and accusing innocent people of spitting and using the “N” word. They are Absolutely hilarious and have no credibility at all.
An Air Force One Jacket? Who Would Have Thought?
Barack Obama, wearing a new jacket with his name and “Air Force One” embroidered on it, took a flight to Afghanistan aboard the presidential Jumbo jet as commander in chief last night.
Why in the hell is this clown wearing a Air Force One Jacket?
Who in the hell issued that to him ? And how can he wear it and maintain a straight face? Another wanna-be member of the military.And can I ask why he was there for ONLY SIX hours?
And why is The Corrupter in Chief is lecturing Karzai about Corruption?
A Letter To Nancy Pelosi, I Wish That I Could Have Said These Words.
Dear Ms. Pelosi:
I write to you out of utter disdain! You are as despicable and un-American as the traitor Jane Fonda.
I am a soon to be 65 year-old who has voted in every state and local election since 1966. I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats alike. I have worked on campaigns for both Republicans and Democrats, white and black. I served the country that I love in Vietnam, as my son did in the Middle East. I was awarded two bronze stars. I have been involved in politics since age 6 when my father was campaign manager for a truly great American Congressman, Charles Raper Jonas, who worked for his constituents and his country, and was to be admired, unlike you.
You obviously haven’t read the Constitution recently, if ever, the Federalist Papers, or even David McCullough’s book on John Adams. You ought to take the time while riding around in your government provided luxury executive jet to do just that. You represent Socialistic and even Marxist principals that our founding fathers tried to avoid when setting out the capitalistic republican form of government represented by our Constitution.
I find it interesting that you and your husband are multi-millionaires with much of your fortune being made as a result of your “public service”. You have controlled legislation that has enhanced your husband’s investments both on and off shore. At the same time you redistributed the wealth of others. Our system of a free market economy is being destroyed by the likes of you, Harry Reid, and now our President. You ride around in a Gulfstream airplane at the tax payer’s expense while criticizing the presidents of companies who produced something for the economy. You add nothing to the economy of the United States; you only subtract therefrom.
I would like to suggest that you return to the city of fruitcakes and nuts and eat your husband’s canned tuna and pineapple produced by illegal immigrants and by workers who have been excluded from the protection that 90% of the legal workers in the United States have.
I await your defeat in the next election with glee.
Don’t ever use the term “un-American” again for protesters who love this country and are exercising their rights upon which this country was founded. By the way, while I served in the Army, I was spit on by the same type of lunatics who support you and who you probably supported in the 60’s and 70’s. You are an embarrassment to all of us who served so that you would have the protected right of free speech to call us un-American. But at the same time, I have the right to write you to notify you that I consider you to be un-American, as do the majority of the people of this formerly great country. You are a true disgrace to most of the people who served this country by offering themselves for public service in the United States Congress.
I feel certain your aides will not share this letter with you, but I intend to share it with many.
Dennis L. Guthrie
And Yes, it was verified with the author, whose email address is in the letterhead.
Yes. Dennis Guthrie wrote this letter to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, criticizing her for comments she made in regard to protesters in which she called them un-American.
Dennis L. Guthrie, an attorney with the law firm of Guthrie, Davis, Henderson & Staton, of Charlotte, North Carolina. Mr. Guthrie was contacted and he in fact confirmed that he did indeed write and send such a letter.
Snopes contacted Gutherie who stated letter is true and was sent to Pelosi! bish
Truthorfiction also confirms this as legitimate.
Check his credentials.
Then, read the letter he wrote.
Dennis Guthrie
Born St. Louis , Missouri , August 21, 1944
Bar Admissions:
North Carolina , 1969
U.S. District Court, Eastern, Middle and Western Districts of North Carolina , 1969
U.S. Tax Court
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
Education: Wofford College , 1966A.B.
Mercer University , 1969J.D.
Phi Alpha Delta
Vice-Justice, District XIV, 1968 - 1969
Professional Associations and Memberships:
North Carolina and American Bar Associations (Member, Sections on: Administrative Law; General Practice; Litigation)
26th Judicial District and North Carolina State Bar
Mecklenburg County Bar Association
American Association of Justice
North Carolina Trial Lawyers Association
Captain , U.S. Ar my , 1969-1971, Vietnam
National Defense Medal, 1969
Republic of Viet Nam Service Medal, 1970
Bronze Star Medals (2), 1971
Assistant District Attorney, Mecklenburg County , 1971 - 1974
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
Chairman, Board of Trustees Providence United Methodist Church
Board of Directors, Alexander Children's Home
Board of Directors, Charlotte Culinary Institute
Wofford Alumni Executive Council
Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America
Board of Directors, Boy Scouts of America of Mecklenburg County
Board of Directors, Girl Scout Council
Life Member, National Eagle Scout Association
Life Member, Girl Scouts of America
And His Arrogance Does It Again!
Obama uses congressional recess to fill 15 Administration posts without Senate confirmation
Despite intense Republican AND Democrat objections, Obama on Saturday used recess appointments to fill 15 administration posts without Senate confirmation!!!
So by Hook or by Crook, Obama got his socialists on board.
All 41 Senate Republicans wrote Obama this week urging him not to use a recess appointment for Becker, a former top lawyer with Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO, whose nomination was rejected by the Senate last month, 52-43. But hey, what the hell, he's the King!
Is Mandatory Health Care The Same As Auto Insurance?

Auto Insurance is a State issue, not a federal one. Health care and car insurance are a different can of worms.
There is no federal law mandating car insurance and for the following reasons..
There are two big differences.
1) You are not required by law to own a car.
2) The states generally set the level of auto insurance required within the States borders, not the federal government.
And you can chose to not pay for car insurance, by not owning or driving a car. You can still take a bus, walk, ride a bike, or call a taxi. You can still go to work, go to a restaurant etc, and you can take a vacation by using a train or a plane.
But, and it’s a big but, if you chose not to pay for health insurance you will get taxed, fined or imprisoned. Not exactly the same at all is it? In reality, by making Health insurance mandatory at the risk of being fined or jailed is nothing more than a quid pro quo for the insurance companies. And lets face it, making Health insurance mandatory is totally unconstitutional.
Also, you are required to have auto insurance for the protection of others not for yourself. You can own a car without collision or vandalism insurance, therefor if you wreck your own car you are the one that will have to pay for it.. However, the reason auto insurance is mandatory is because when a 2,000 plus pound vehicle hits something, it does damage to a second and possibly an innocent person, that person should not have to pay their own medical bills because someone else either drove irresponsibly, or was driving while drinking, or just had an honest to goodness accident. Likewise, the person who’s property received damage deserves compensation for the damage done from no fault of their own.. Only liability insurance is required by State laws... ..It’s the bank that requires you to carry collision insurance if you still owe them money from your car loan.
So Much For Bi-Partisanship
Yeah. Well, Bozo, so much for your phony calls for peace and civility. We say to you and your Socialist pals, "We'll bring it on when we remember in November!"
Lets keep the pressure on..the socialist democrat party are using the Socialist rules and trying to demonize conservatives and the tea party organization. They will take any opportunity to refute and call them out no matter who it is...they are bad for America and need to be stopped.
Netanyahu Humiliated By Barack Obama
Netanyahu Humiliated By Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner'
Obama was said to have walked out of the meeting, saying to
Mr Netanyahu: 'Let me know if there is anything new'
Left to talk among themselves, Mr Netanyahu and his aides retreated to the Roosevelt Room. He later spent a further half-hour with Mr Obama and extended his stay for a day of emergency talks aimed at restarting peace negotiations, but left last night with no official statement from either side. He returns to Israel dangerously isolated after what Israeli media have called a White House ambush for which he is largely to blame. Sources said that Mr Netanyahu failed to impress Mr Obama with a flow chart purporting to show that he was not be responsible for the timing of announcements of new settlement projects in east Jerusalem. Mr Obama was said to be livid when such an announcement derailed Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel this month, and his anger towards Israel does not appear to have cooled.
What would one expect from Obama ? The man has upset every ally the US has. Yet sucked up to every fellow MUSLIM he can. He is a disgrace to us all. . I wish November was next month!
Film #18: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
Let us count the ways.
1. You forever eliminated our desire to procreate.
2. You made us think treasure was buried somewhere in our town.
3. You always uncovered the dark truth of just what Willis was talkin’ bout.
4. You reminded us of the value of cheese, and the best way cover unsavory actions.
We don’t know where these little rays of sunshine come from that so light up our dark, desolate lives. But we here at the RDHP know one thing:
Like a fine Napa Valley wine, child actors just get more fruity with age.
Such is the case with former child star Baby Jane Hudson, the insane namesake of this week’s 1960s thriller, “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane.”
Back in the days of vaudeville, olde Baby Jane was a singing, dancing, bitch-filled superstar of the stage. Children adored her, and rushed out of performances to buy lifelike dolls of the cutie-pie. Pushed by her stage-dad to bring home the bacon, the little brat had her entire family wrapped around her finger. The pre-Madonna’s demands of after-show ice cream and unlimited attention never stopped.
Drowning in Jane’s shadow was her sister Blanche, a quiet girl who was routinely tortured by Jane’s behavior. Someday, Blanche thought, she would be the star, and get revenge on Jane. Fast-forward several years, and the sister’s roles have reversed. Pushed by a childhood of living in Jane’s shadow, Blanche had become a major movie star. Jane, whose talents had waned over the years, now had to rely on Blanche to procure her crappy parts in B-grade movies.
Jealously both past and present abounded between the sisters. Then one night after coming back from a drunken Hollywood party, Jane’s contempt for her now-famous sister got the best of her. With the shift of a gear, Jane mowed down Blanche with a car, paralyzing her from the waist down.
Their careers shrouded in scandal, Jane is forced to care for invalid Blanche, the two holed up in their Hollywood mansion for decades.
Isolated and long forgotten by fickle Tinsletown, Jane slowly starts to unravel. She needs the attention of fame, and each day in obscurity sends her deeper into madness.
The film catches up with the sisters in their twilight years. When a TV station begins running a series of Blanche’s old movies, it reignites her fame much to the horror of Jane. Blanche is once again famous, and not me! It is the Botox that breaks the models face, as Jane finally snaps and begins to slowly plot the demise of her crippled, dependant sister.
Ugly old actresses abound in the 1962 film “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?”
C-Rating: 3.9
Chris Dimick signs, acts, dances:
“Glory days. They’ll pass you by, glory days. Bruce was so right. The central theme of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane – trying to reclaim better times gone by – is a heartbreaking one. Past accomplishments are so reassuring. All the stress and pain is gone, and one can look back at a momentous occasion and just revel in its warm hug. It doesn’t help that past memories have been mentally retouched, wiped clean of imperfections, insecurities, and other traumas present at the time.
This isn’t all bad: remembering what you achieved yesterday can give you courage to achieve something tomorrow. But usually people use these glory days as a crutch, an unproductive mental escape from present life. An excuse to loath the present as a depressing waste of time incomparable to elusive “better days.”
Everyone longs to return to parts of their past at times. But it is when people try to live in the past that serious social complications can occur. This point is played out in a gripping, tense and at times hilarious way in WEHTBJ.
Melodramatic is too subtle a word to describe the plot of this movie. But in a way it works with the subject matter. Most impressive is the performances by the lead actors. The entire movie is a showpiece for leading ladies Bette Davis (Jane) and Joan Crawford (Blanche). They were perfectly cast – in a way playing a distorted, demented, but true version of themselves.
Both were once beautiful, toast-of-the-town actresses in the 1930s who by 1962 had seen their beauty and fame wane. You could see the personal connection Davis and Crawford brought to their characters. Enchanting is the only way to describe Crawford as the humbled Blanche. Horrifying the best word for Davis’s manic Baby Jane.
The film is very over-the-top, and does contain some classic shout at the screen moments (Don’t go into that room! Don’t put down a hammer near a clearly insane woman and then turn your back on her! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! was shouted by both Nick and I at one point.)
But it is the performances of Davis and Crawford that excuse these faux pas. The story is cheesy, but in a fun I-can’t-stop watching-even-though-I-know-this-is-bad-for-me Jerry Springer type way. It is so entertaining you can let the little things slide.
We don’t give away endings at the RDHP, but I have to say that this films ending left me with actual chills. It was brilliant, perfect, and truly hit the spot with its twisty, demented conclusion.
Watching this movie I kept thinking about Corey Haim, Andrew Koenig, and the other former child actors who have recently died due to drugs or suicide. Koenig played “Richard 'Boner' Stabone” on the 1980s TV classic Growing Pains, one of my favorite shows back in those glory days of youth.
The Today Show interviewed Koenig’s Growing Pains co-star Kirk Cameron the day after he was found hanging from a tree in a Vancouver Park, and the conversation steered to why all these child actors have recently ended up crazy, drug-fueled, or dead.
Cameron said that basically it is because child stars achieve too much success too early in life. A child star, while still in their formative years, is showered with praise, attention, and everything they desire while at the height of their career. But like most actors, their time in the spotlight is fleeting, and they go from being the center of attention, getting anything they want, to being suddenly ignored and forgotten.
Child stars get used to this special treatment, and it gets ingrained in them that life will be like that, at the pinnacle of their fame, for the rest of their life. When that doesn’t pan out, and their careers eventually go south, Cameron said people become obsessed with getting back to the top. Their perspective had been shifted to a no longer obtainable standard of happy. They equate their loss of fame with their loss of identity. And when they can’t get back to where they were, in the glory days, they see their current – by most people’s perceptions, normal – state in life as a failure. Then comes the insanity, the drugs or the suicide.
A child star’s rollercoaster life might be hard for the average person to relate to… but the message is still translatable. This movie shouts the point.
Remember the glory days, but don’t try to live in them.”
N-Rating: 3.1
Nick Rich sings, acts, dances:
"I suppose I don't think about exactly why horror movies are scary that often; I just enjoy them. Well true believers, this flick made me really think about what true horror looks like and let me tell you... it's ugly. I was of two minds on this film and as such, I will explain them both for you before laying down The Skinny.
Mind One:
This mind was wrapped up in the fact that Baby Jane eerily reminded me of my grandmother, Dorthy Lamour (no my grandmother was not the Dorthy Lamour, but that was her maiden name and it certainly helped pack in crowds of G.I.'s when she was a USO singer back in WWII). Now, my grandmother is by no means this level of crazy, but she certainly has her own sense of flare and strong opinions... all of which left a strong impression on my childhood development. Dorthy was one of those grandparents that didn't treat you like a child, but as an adult (needless to say we had many a heated debate).
With this history kicking around my subconscious, I found myself increasingly distraught and disturbed by the descent Baby Jane makes in this film. As I watched Baby Jane's behavior, I recalled strange moments with Dorthy, which made Baby Jane's actions in this film all the more palpable (and horrifying) to me. I could feel her insanity breathing down my neck, feel the terrifying helplessness of not knowing what will come next, feel the dread as I saw the perceived truth behind her crazed eyes. Basically what I'm trying to say is this is a family film.
Mind Two:
Moving on from the Freudian, Mind Two (unlike Chris) could not get over the implausibility of the behavior of the characters in this film! The sharp witted housekeeper who so insistently pushed to have Baby Jane committed, days later accepts Baby Jane's sickly-sweet lies and trusts her mental stability! The tubby man-giant who can't dispatch an aged woman with the mind of a child! The trapped sister who simply won't shout out the window for aid! All of this was enough to make me as crazy as Baby Jane (which may have been the point)!
I've said it before, but when a film shows characters acting unrealistically I'm totally taken out of the moment. It's not about the plausibility of the story or setting for me, but how the characters react in said situations that really makes or breaks a flick for me, and in the case of WEHTBJ I just couldn't get over the pervasive stupidity of the characters. Granted, the performances of the two leading ladies were amazingly captivating (especially Bette Davis), but in spite of that I found myself fuming on and on about the foolish actions of characters until I was distracted by even more examples of idiocy. Don't let the black and white fool you - this film took place in the 60's, where I'd hope that people would be a bit more cautious than those in years past (commies lurking everywhere and all for the better part of 15 years), but nooooo!
The Skinny: check this flick out if you're in the mood for a) some quality screen shouting, b) want to reassure yourself you made the right choice to not pursue a career in child acting (phew! I dodged a bullet with that one!), or c) miss your Grams."
Quote of the Viewing:
[Scene: Baby Jane must fix all of crippled sister Blanche’s meals. Slowly descending into madness, Jane brings Blanche her dinner only for Blanche to uncover the serving platter lid and find her dead pet bird on a bed of lettuce]
Nick: “Talk about a fowl meal.”
Chris: “Booooooo. Boooooooooooooo. Boo!”
[Scene: Jane brings Blanche another meal enhanced with a touch of crazy. This time the main course under the serving platter lid is a festering rat]
Chris: “Mmmm, ratatouille tonight!”
Nick: “Now who gets a ‘Boo?’ It’s you.”
RDHP Salutes Eyebrows:
In honor of WEHTBJ lead actress Joan Crawford's amazingly horrifying face ornaments, we present a salute to eyebrows!
Frida Kahlo
No Eyebrows People
Gene Shallot
"What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" Fun Facts:
-As on the screen, Joan Crawford and Bette Davis despised each other in real life. The hatred spawned from the fact that the two actresses were always competing for the same roles throughout their careers.
- The actor who played the dumpy British accompanist Edwin Flagg actually gained 124 pounds just for the role, mainly through a diet of pork fat blended with hostess ringdings.
- During production, Bette Davis had a Coca-Cola machine installed on the set to anger Joan Crawford, whose late husband had been CEO of rival Pepsi-Cola and who herself was on the board of directors of that company.
- While touring the talk show circuit to promote the movie, Bette Davis told one interviewer that when she and Joan Crawford were first suggested for the leads in this film, Warner Bros. studio head Jack L. Warner replied: "I wouldn't give a plugged nickel for either one of those two old broads." Recalling the story, Davis laughed at her own expense. The following day, she reportedly received a telegram from Crawford: "In future, please do not refer to me as an old broad, or I will cut your tongue out with a chopstick!"
- In addition to her trademark number "I've Written a Letter to Daddy", the young Baby Jane apparently had other hit songs in her act. When Edwin prepares to play the piano for their rehearsal, we see Jane's picture featured on old sheet music for songs entitled "What-What in the Butt", "I’ll Curb-Stomp the Kaiser” and "The Darker the Berry, The Sweeter the Juice"
- The movies director Robert Aldrich conducted every scene of the film in full drag. It was a bold move for 1962, but earned Davis and Crawford’s respect since he could always be called the ugliest woman in the room.
-While a clean cut figure in the 1930s and 40s, by 1962 Bette Davis had become a full-blown heroin addict. Only slight touch-ups of makeup were applied to the actress's face to achieve the Baby Jane look.
Things We Learned From WEHTBJ:
-Don’t tell your mom she created you by humping a stranger. It makes her mad.
-(Said in a Jeff Foxworthy voice) If you do a singing monologue in front of the mirror, you might be a crazy.
-Nobody puts Baby (Jane doll) in a corner!
-Reading aloud what you are writing helps get the words on the page.
-If a child writes a letter to their dead father, the post office accepts a kiss in place of a stamp.
-When people in wheelchairs get freaked out, they spin around in circles.
-Natural hair on a life size children’s doll is a great selling point.
-You don’t have to tie your tie if you just use a tie clip.
-Bette Davis did not age well.
-Drinking doesn’t do any real harm to insane people.
-Child actors have always been a few bricks short.
Things That Make the RDHP Revert to a Child-like State:
Shopping (when it’s not for us)
Big League Chew
Disapproving Stare from the Wife
Halloween time
Child Star Mug Shot Jamboree:
I along with most of you am tired of the crap. Hang On, It's Not Over Yet
After months and months of beating back Republicans, the sleeping giant is slowly waking up
I along with most of you am tired of the crap. Remember that nothing is a done deal until the fat lady sings, and she's too busy bashing Israel.
And of course we all know how racist we are for gathering together as tea party members. That alone is proof that we are all belonged to the Ku Klux Klan.
Bibi Netanyahu and Barack Obama
I would never ever call our Dear leader, Honest Abe, that’s for sure!
It seems to me that Our Dear Leader doesn't even seem to realize that our own country is under existential external threats from Iran as well as to Israel.
Those HYPOCRITICAL Liberal Ass- Holes
Spotted on a Liberal (excuse me) on a Progressive blog.
LOL! "This is a big fucking deal," - Vice President Joe Biden, on HCR.
Could you imagine what this HYPOCRITICAL Jerk-off would have written if this was said by George Bush or worse yet, by Sarah Palin!
Some of the American people probably thought they were voting for hope and change when they voted for President Barack Obama on Nov. 4, 2008. But according to Rev. Al Sharpton, they were voting for Socialism.
Sharpton, told Fox News on March 21, during their special coverage of the House of Representatives' passage of health care reform legislation, this victory for President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would begin "transforming" the country.
"I think that the president and Nancy Pelosi get credit," Sharpton said. "I think this began the transforming of the country the way the president had promised. This is what he ran on."
WRONG AL, that is NOT why they voted for Obama! But Sharpton’s right on this one. Obama is a socialist an anyone who voted for him either knew that or is a moron.
Wrong again, Al.
They were suckered in by a deceptively charming man who spoke well in front of a TV camera, who acted like he knew what he was talking about and by their own white guilt over past treatment of blacks, and by an old, weak, pathetic, uninspiring candidate on the Republican side who would have lost against any other candidate as well!
When the government starts telling folks that you cannot eat that whopper and fries for lunch due to the fat content, and you can’t drink that Pepsi because it has sugar in it and you can’t buy that car because it uses too much gas and your mother is too damn old to be kept alive because we need to make room for the younga folks, the general population will learn very quickly the true nature of socialism.
Thanks a lot Obama, you Kenyan Creep..
Greetings and sympathy to all of you fellow US patriots. Yes the America we once knew and loved so much is gone, it has been defeated, and yes in many cases it’s already dead it all over for us Patriots. The America is defeated, dying, and dead it all over for us patriots, the Marxist, Socialists BASTARDS have won. They did it by bribery, by arm twisting and by threats, but this is the way the Marxist, Socialists do things. So get used to it. We now have a ignorant bunch of little Neo Nazis running around like packs of dogs digging us into a state of Socialism.
This is not only about a Heath-care bill that we can't afford , it's about abuse of power and Socialism.
He even was brazen enough to tell some Congress people that if they didn’t vote “YES” he wouldn’t campaign for them when they ran for re-election. Having Obama saying he won't campaign for you is like your mother-in-law threatening not to come and stay with you during your Christmas holidays. Or having David Dukes campaign for Al Sharpton..
Really, you call that a threat? But he won. And that’s what counts!
I will work as hard as I can to get those in congress that do not care about the people voted out and I will do what ever I can to make it happen. Today the Obama administration has become the Obama "regime” I am saddened and I am furious that my children will never know what it is like live the same freedom that I knew. Or the same American that I knew. And I resent the lazy, ignorant fools that votes for Obama, destroyed this country and killed the American dream..
I guess that we didn’t really learn from September the 11th, On one hand, Socialism threatens to destroy us from within, and on the other hand Islam already is destroying us.
Yep, It was pretty upset this morning, but we will continue the fight. We real Americans don’t just lie down. We fought an honorable battle, and they fought a dishonest one. We weren’t the one’s who bribed, and twisted arms, and bought votes and made these filthy illegal promises . And met behind closed doors at night.
The Democrats didn't win anything, they bought it, broke arms to get and every underhanded trick they could find, and they will pay dearly for it. But, it ain't over yet! States are already filing lawsuits against the federal government. We've only just begun to fight this fight. Hang on America. It ain't over yet. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.
This is not the America I once knew and loved. I just don't recognize it anymore. I feel like a outsider in my own country. And I'm not going to stand by and let that happen.
Thanks a lot Obama, you Kenyan Creep..
It is Done, The American People Have Lost.
It is Done, The American People Have Lost. And we won't forget this debacle in November. And we won't forget about you Mr. Obama when you start kissing ass when you are up for re-election.. That's not going to happen. Payback is coming to all of you blood-sucking Democrats. The Republicans will not only win in November, but they will sweep these lice out completely.
Obama sold this debacle on a pile of lies. So don't celebrate. The bums who are getting these free handouts on the corner don't vote. They disappear when the hand-outs end.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick of over what has happened to my country. The Democrats appoint open Communists and Mao worshipers to positions of great power. They reject our Constitution, our laws, our traditions and our culture. They deny any need for the consent of the governed. They openly spit on the will of the people. They are deliberately bankrupting our nation, and destroying our freedoms. Just you watch, the illegal alien and cap and trade bills are next.
Only the progressives lice are happy over this..
Please Forgive Me
My Take On Socialism!
Over the past few weeks as I have visited a couple of other blogs, I have noticed a few people trying their best to defend Socialism here in America.
I recently saw a thread on Pamela’s blog, “ The Oracular Opinion” That prompted me to write this blog. Pamela is a true Capitalist as I am but the things that were on her blog were so over the top that I bit my tongue as I read them. .
As we all know this has been brought about because of Our Dear Leader Barack Obama. And this is very disturbing to me.. we've gotten back onto the hardy perennial topic of Capitalism vs. Socialism. As always, discussion is hampered by different people having different assumptions about what those words mean. I propose, as a topic, the meaning of the word "socialism." I'm not inviting argument over whether socialism is good or bad; although in my opinion it is very bad. I'm asking, instead, what things do we call "socialism" and what not.
Here's my take.
Why not call a spade a spade, why do we have to be so nice and afraid to offend those who want to tear down the country we love so much? Who the hell are they that we have to change the country we grew up in and loved all these years and who the hell are they to dictate our policies and trample all over our Constitution that so many of us have fought for and died for!!!!!
If they were so interested in the laws of our land, then why has Obama held his meetings behind closed doors and what is he trying so damn hard to pass a bill by arm twisting and bribery? And why does the majority of the people disagree with his tactics? And why won’t Nancy Pelosi show the people whats in that bill "Until it's passed"? The Constitution of our country was formed by the Fathers of Liberty, and it is not his to break!
Obama is and always has been a pathological liar, I know that and you know that and everyone else with half a brain knows it. He is by far the worst thing that's ever happened to this country. I don't know if what he's doing to destroy the US economy is on purpose or not, but I truly believe that it is. I also believe that he is being led down this path by others with greater power and influence. I do believe that George Soros is one of them. This has always been the agenda of George Soros . And I feel that Obama was put into place by him to act as his puppet. At first it was Hillary’s job but when Soros saw she didn’t have what it took to fit in his plan he dumped her like a hotcake and switched to Obama. Soros is and always has been a proponent of diminishing the United States. This is nothing new.
So I ask you again who the hell are these Socialists to dictate our policies and our Constitution, and why are some of us afraid to contradict them? Commenting in blogs alone wont save a failed economic policy and a country that has lost it’s will to survive. We all have to grow a pair and answer those who mean to harm us. Maybe people like Satyavati doesn’t meant to harm us in the way that our enemies, but her belief in Socialism will just the same. I am not ready to lose my freedoms, not one of them. And I am not ready to surrender my American beliefs to ANY Socialist, not her not Obama and not to a PIG like George Soros!
And you can put this in Caps and Bold it Satyavati devi dasi .
These Socialist people are not going to speak on my behalf. What has Obama accomplished in his life that gives him a right to speak on our behalf, other than being elected President through a taxpayer funded criminal campaign backed by ACORN.
Whether or not you believe that Obama was elected with ACORN's involvement or not. Certainly part of that is factual.
You'll witness daily how quickly Obama is pushing his agenda onto Congress, desperately pushing his ideals and trying to make it appear that his initiatives need to be passed immediately, "for the best interest of the country". This nation's is going to fall economically, politically, socially, and Internationally, if we allow the passage of these Cap and Trade and Health Care Reform bills! And who really knows whats coming our way next. Well, I for one don’t want to find out. I want him and his band of crooked cronies out.
Us Americans have VOLUNTARILY gone all over the world and millions of us have spilled blood on battlefields with names that we can’t even pronounce and we have fought on foreign mud soaked soil to help provide freedom and democracy to peoples who seek liberty and opportunity found nowhere else in the world. And to save them from tyranny and unjust cruelty and even certain death. While Obama runs around the world apologizing for us. And dinning on Lobster and eating Russian Caviar. And at the same time converting this great land to Socialism? No sir, this is not a President that I am proud of, and like Rush Limbaugh I too DO want his policies to fail.
So I guess that the “Cold War” that Ronald Reagan won never really ended, but we are in danger of losing it now.
BIDEN: 'We're going to control the insurance companies'...
We all know that Biden suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. If you ever want an “honest” opinion of what the Administration is doing, just ask Biden. Eventually it will slip out.
Oh Mr. President. For a brilliant guy you seem to read the tea leaves with the same degree of transparency your administration has proffered the public.
Why not let the insurance companies compete which would make them compete? Allow them to sell over state lines. Take away their anti-trust exemption.
These simple acts would be far more effective but oh dear, you wouldn't have government control over yet another industry.
Oh, wait. Maybe I get it now. Greed and power. Follow the money.
Shame on you and any of the congressional boobs that go along.
Enjoy the next two and a fraction years. They're all you'll have!And you are no doubt one of the Libbies employed by Obamafhid and cronies to be online all day. One of his duffus cronies - that know nothing about business. How many in his administration have business experience? Less than any administration for the last half century. That is why he has made the economy worse. All he does is make things worse. Everything he gets near goes down hill. FAST
Film #17: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
In the 90s, everyone in town was wearing flannel shirts, cords and cutting themselves to Bad Religion albums.
Then just a few years ago, all the dudes started twi-tarding their hair ala Robert Pussyson, and the ladies began rocking diamond grills and top hats.
Don’t even get me started on what happened to Santa Mirans in the 1950s, when sky-born alien seeds crashed into town and started growing pods that produced exact, soulless, replications of the townsfolk. Even the aliens that inhabit Santa Mira become posers!
It all started when Miles left his small Californian town to attend a medical convention. After only a few days, he is called urgently back due to the high number people coming into his office claiming a strange illness.
Upon his return, those who felt sick are now “just fine,” but others came into his office claiming their loved ones no longer seem like their loved ones. “Doctor, my wife was such a raging hormonal bitch just yesterday, but then this morning I wake up in bed and she is bringing me a feta omelet, Maxim Magazine, Makers Mark whiskey and a Taiwan foot massage. What gives?”
Sure, the townsfolk look the same, but something is different. Off.
At first this is chalked up to a mass delusion by Miles' head-shrinker friend. And that seems enough for him at first, due mostly to a little skirted distraction that saunters into his world. Wouldn’t you know it if a dame makes her way into the picture. Miles former girlfriend Becky had just returned to town, and swings by the lover boy’s medical practice with the hope of playing doctor.
The two go on a date, but are quickly called to the home of Miles’ friend Jack Belicec who found a seemly dead body lying in his home. Fishy thing is, the body has no distinguishing facial features or fingerprints, but is the exact height and weight of Jack. As time goes on, the corpse transforms into an exact copy of Jack’s ugly mug. Freaked, Jack, his wife, Becky and Miles hide out in Miles home, but soon find mysterious pods in Miles backyard that contain replications of the four friends – including Miles and Becky!
Seems these pods have the ability to grow an exact copy of a person, and when the time is right, promptly steals one’s mind upon the real Slim Shady going to sleep.
A nefarious alien world domination scheme is uncovered, and the sole survivors work to stop the spore-ification before it spreads across the country.
The peer pressure to conform is laid on thicker than middle school in the 1956 classic flick “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
C-Rating: 4.5
Chris Dimick shouts while running through the street:
“I’m going to read into this movie probably more than I should. After all, the writer and director have both said that Invasion of the Body Snatchers was meant as nothing more than a movie about killer aliens from outer space. But sometimes a well-crafted piece of art can break loose from its master, and take on a purpose not originally intended.
Several people can look at a painting and take away a different impression not intended by the artist. I feel this is the case with Body Snatchers.
You gotta love when a satirical premise hides within a horror movie. Scream flicks are supposed to be light and fun, and I respect that. But you don’t have to look hard in order for Body Snatchers to tell you a little something about humanity. Because of the release date, 1956, many people think Body Snatchers is a commentary on communism and the Cold War. I feel they are wrong -- that is not my view of the painting -- though I can see their point. The story is about a slowly advancing invasion, coming from within our own kind, which is set on ridding people of their individually, freedom of thought, and personal emotion, in order for everyone to be and act the same. A 1956 American’s idea of the threat of Communism, right?
To me, Body Snatchers’ point is much darker than the sickle and hammer. It is a story about the suburbanization of America. The loss of individually that comes from the pressure to conform to American idealism -- to have the biggest house, the nicest car, the prettiest wife, the smartest 2.5 kids and the greenest front yard.
One by one, the townspeople fall to the wishes of the group, losing first their individually, then their entire range of emotions in the process. At one point in the film, actor Kevin McCarthy (Miles) says “many people ordinarily allow their humanity to slip away, most don’t even mind.”
People are so miserable from having to keep up with everyone else, that it doesn’t even matter by the time they realize their race to conform has left them empty, devoid of personality, bland, and in a sense, without purpose. By conforming into pod people, or "suburbanities" according to the movie, they gave up everything unique about them. In a sense, they gave up their self.
All we have in this world, really, is our “self,” our thoughts, passions, loves, hates, really-hates (I’m angry a lot), and general interests. To me, Body Snatchers preaches that these simple things are really the most priceless aspects in our lives. To take those away, you might as well die.
As the exchange between a Pod Person and Miles goes, life isn’t worth living if you can’t live the good with the bad.
Pod Person: “Love, desire, ambition, faith - without them, life's so simple, believe me.
Miles: "I don't want any part of it."
Or take what Miles girlfriend, Becky (played by the stunning Dana Wynter) says when confronting the thought of becoming a pod person:
Becky: “I don't want to live in a world without love or grief or beauty, I'd rather die.”
Any movie that makes you think, just a little, about life is worth watching. What I took away from Body Snatchers was not a racing heart (no real scares by today’s standard) or a mind full of exciting action (conversation is the real star). No, what I got out of it was a reminder about life: appreciate what you already have, and feel equally fortunate when you experience love, loss, joy and pain. It is all part of the human experience. It reminds us: You are alive. So live.
"Admittedly I didn't have an ideal viewing of IOTBS (my PC is in for repair and I had to watch it on my oooollllllddd laptop, so the image would freeze every few minutes while the sound trucked on), but this film didn't romance me in quite the way it did Chris. From his review, it seemed to me like it romanced Chris in a cerebral way, appealing to his intellect (Pod Person?), but for me it romanced my heart (my head is just such a distraction some times - for example, I kept seeing leading man Kevin McCarthy as I first encountered him)! In Chris's defense he had seen this film multiple times, while this was my first - and what a first it was!
Watching IOTBS was what I hope for from most films - a time capsule. Repeatedly while watching the sassy lines strolls by, the dry martinis flow in every situation and the casual pipe smoking while looking over a corpse I could feel myself sitting in a 1950's Drive-in watching this film in the hot summer night... that feeling is one of main reasons I watch movies, as a means of time travel. I didn't muse about the social implications of what the film was saying (I immediately chalked it up to commie hysteria and moved on), sure I could have, but I was simply enjoying the cruise through 1956 too much to bother...
And jeepers mister, did the 1950's ever have something to offer! The word 'causal' didn't exist! Everyone was dressed to the nines at all times - even in their sleepwear:

Ladies were comfortable wearing their hair shorter and showing off their necks (scandalous), even in a small town there were doctors for everything (including your brain thoughts!) and everyone was overly polite (even in extreme situations, i.e. finding a corpse in your house)! What a magical time... is it any wonder that I got wrapped up in it all? If anything I think I should be given a medal for fighting back against the Pod People with the only weapon we have against such a threat - our hearts!
The Skinny: check this flick out if you're in the mood to treat your lady to a nice evening out - rent a 1950's Chevy, find a vintage clothing store for threads and drive out to the country with a projector and watch this one on the side of a barn."
Movies had to watch their manners back in the day, which meant people couldn’t amp up the dirty talk when flirting with each other. “Hey, I like your dirty ass, wanna go up to my bang-chamber and f*$#” just wouldn’t fly in the olden days. Instead, subtly took over for vulgarity in characters’ discussions, resulting in talk that is much more titillating than if interlaced with f-bombs and other graphicness.
Miles: "You really want to know?"
Becky: "Is this an example of your bedside manner, doctor?"
Things the RDHP Learned from Watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers:
-Divorced men come “completely house-broken.”
-Don’t ever fall asleep. Body Snatchers will steal your mind.
-Brand new Dodge’s sell for $650. I knew Crisis-lyer was in trouble, but…
-Liquor solves a bad case of hysteria.
-Slapping little boys on the butt – totally cool in the 50s!
-A doctor’s wife needs "the intelligence of Einstein and the patience of a saint."
Let's take attendance: Pod Person? Pod Person? Pod Person?
Pod Person!
Audrina Patridge:
Shawn Johnson:
Creepy Neighbor Dave
Pod Person if I ever saw one!
Overly Nice Receptionist
The REAL Origins of the Pod People:
You don’t believe everything the government spoon-feeds you, do you? Sure, they told us the Pod People came from intergalactic space seeds which crashed into the earth’s soil and grew pea-looking pods that had the ability to replicate humans. But we've heard that story a thousand times.
The true believers know these pods came not from outer space, but from that son-of-a-bitch veggie mutant… THE JOLLY GREEN GIANT:
-The cast of the Golden Girls has reunited for a sex tape. All the cast members!
-Pink is the new Black!
-I just saved hundreds on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
-Beware! Brian Williams is the self-indulgent Anti-Christ!
-Shamrock Shakes allow McDonalds to control your Irish!
-Don't buy the oranges - your purchase won't be taxed!
-I’m bringing ugly back!
-The feds are listening through your molars!
-Arnold Schwarzenegger's accent is fake - don't be fooled, DON'T BE FOOLED!!!
-Muhammad is coming! Look busy!