My Take On Socialism!

Over the past few weeks as I have visited a couple of other blogs, I have noticed a few people trying their best to defend Socialism here in America.
I recently saw a thread on Pamela’s blog, “ The Oracular Opinion” That prompted me to write this blog. Pamela is a true Capitalist as I am but the things that were on her blog were so over the top that I bit my tongue as I read them. .
As we all know this has been brought about because of Our Dear Leader Barack Obama. And this is very disturbing to me.. we've gotten back onto the hardy perennial topic of Capitalism vs. Socialism. As always, discussion is hampered by different people having different assumptions about what those words mean. I propose, as a topic, the meaning of the word "socialism." I'm not inviting argument over whether socialism is good or bad; although in my opinion it is very bad. I'm asking, instead, what things do we call "socialism" and what not.
Here's my take.

Why not call a spade a spade, why do we have to be so nice and afraid to offend those who want to tear down the country we love so much? Who the hell are they that we have to change the country we grew up in and loved all these years and who the hell are they to dictate our policies and trample all over our Constitution that so many of us have fought for and died for!!!!!
If they were so interested in the laws of our land, then why has Obama held his meetings behind closed doors and what is he trying so damn hard to pass a bill by arm twisting and bribery? And why does the majority of the people disagree with his tactics? And why won’t Nancy Pelosi show the people whats in that bill "Until it's passed"? The Constitution of our country was formed by the Fathers of Liberty, and it is not his to break!
Obama is and always has been a pathological liar, I know that and you know that and everyone else with half a brain knows it. He is by far the worst thing that's ever happened to this country. I don't know if what he's doing to destroy the US economy is on purpose or not, but I truly believe that it is. I also believe that he is being led down this path by others with greater power and influence. I do believe that George Soros is one of them. This has always been the agenda of George Soros . And I feel that Obama was put into place by him to act as his puppet. At first it was Hillary’s job but when Soros saw she didn’t have what it took to fit in his plan he dumped her like a hotcake and switched to Obama. Soros is and always has been a proponent of diminishing the United States. This is nothing new.
So I ask you again who the hell are these Socialists to dictate our policies and our Constitution, and why are some of us afraid to contradict them? Commenting in blogs alone wont save a failed economic policy and a country that has lost it’s will to survive. We all have to grow a pair and answer those who mean to harm us. Maybe people like Satyavati doesn’t meant to harm us in the way that our enemies, but her belief in Socialism will just the same. I am not ready to lose my freedoms, not one of them. And I am not ready to surrender my American beliefs to ANY Socialist, not her not Obama and not to a PIG like George Soros!
And you can put this in Caps and Bold it Satyavati devi dasi .
These Socialist people are not going to speak on my behalf. What has Obama accomplished in his life that gives him a right to speak on our behalf, other than being elected President through a taxpayer funded criminal campaign backed by ACORN.
Whether or not you believe that Obama was elected with ACORN's involvement or not. Certainly part of that is factual.
You'll witness daily how quickly Obama is pushing his agenda onto Congress, desperately pushing his ideals and trying to make it appear that his initiatives need to be passed immediately, "for the best interest of the country". This nation's is going to fall economically, politically, socially, and Internationally, if we allow the passage of these Cap and Trade and Health Care Reform bills! And who really knows whats coming our way next. Well, I for one don’t want to find out. I want him and his band of crooked cronies out.
Us Americans have VOLUNTARILY gone all over the world and millions of us have spilled blood on battlefields with names that we can’t even pronounce and we have fought on foreign mud soaked soil to help provide freedom and democracy to peoples who seek liberty and opportunity found nowhere else in the world. And to save them from tyranny and unjust cruelty and even certain death. While Obama runs around the world apologizing for us. And dinning on Lobster and eating Russian Caviar. And at the same time converting this great land to Socialism? No sir, this is not a President that I am proud of, and like Rush Limbaugh I too DO want his policies to fail.
So I guess that the “Cold War” that Ronald Reagan won never really ended, but we are in danger of losing it now.