Charlie Rangel to Stay — for now

Pelosi said she hadn't read the ethics panel's report, only its press release summarizing its finding. She said she wanted to read it before commenting more fully.

"There's more to Mr. Rangel's situation and we look forward to hearing from Mr. Rangel on that," she said. Pelosi's comment a year ago was "this will be the most ethical Congress ever known", or something to that ridiculous effect. Pelosi has led a bunch of thieves and scoundrels and has no intention of removing Rangel. He, in all likelihood has some poop on her and she can't afford for it to get out now. Pelosi and the Dems have an entitlement mentality that is worse than the bunch they represent. Is there no one with the guts in D.C. to tell her no.

The liberals will just sweep this under the rug, but if a Republican does something similar, they are the first to come out of the woodwork demanding that he would have to "Step Down" This is just another in a long list of double standards concerning those on the left. If this would have been a Republican, he'd have been run out of town long ago. Instead, the old media does his bidding. Rangel's list of illegalities runs deep but he'll likely face nothing other than a hand slap. He's a Democrat, of course he refuses to step down. It's business as usual where his constituents will vote him back in with hero status. Especially that his constituents are from Harlem, where a Black can do no wrong. Did anyone expect the "queen" to discipline a powerful black congress critter from NY?

And get this! Charles Rangel met with New York Democrats on Saturday in an effort to save embattled Gov. David Paterson. But the meeting could just as easily have been about Rangel himself! One Crook protecting another Crook! And who the hell is David Paterson to decide anything at all about a Congressman? Give us all a break. and just go home and enjoy the rest of your life. You certainly have stolen enough money from the public to do that. Charles Rangel should step down, now that the first ethics investigation of him found he was at least complicit in his responsibility. At worst he told his staff not to tell him who was paying, so he could deny this knowledge. It's laughable that a poltician with his years of congressional experience would not know enough about ethics rules to know he SHOULD find out who pays for his perks!

In either case, his credibility is shot. Step down from your chairmanship, Mr. Rangel, for the good of whats left of your party.