If You Didn’t Vote for Obama, You’re a Dangerous Nut

The New York Times Has an article in it this morning

Titled If You Didn’t Vote for Obama, You’re a Dangerous Nut

ByFrankly Kooky

It gos on to say: Accusing opponents of dangerous insanity has become so commonplace in the Age of Obama that such discourse is now taken for granted. Frank Rich devoted the entirety of his Sunday New York Times column to insinuating that the Tea Party movement is a paranoid aggregation motivated by "frothing anti-government, anti-tax rage."

Although coming from Frank Rich and being in the New York Times, It’s not very surprisingly. Many people today think that Einstein was a Socialist. The fact is, intelligence and wisdom aren't the same thing at all. Some of the brightest people I know are among the biggest fools I know. Take Bill Gates for example, he supported Obama.

Even liberals who still love Obama seem to have come to loath Pelosi. Part of that is human nature. Many Democrats aren't willing to believe they were duped into voting for an empty suit like Obama ..
How can people tell if you're liberal or conservative?
If they have 4 children all under the age of 5 and still are UN-married the chances are extremely good you are a Liberal. If you live on welfare, support terrorism, and want everything handed to you, you are a Liberal If they don't shave, smell really bad, and a old used joint hanging from there lips, have a burnt American flag in their pocket that they use as a handkerchief, with no socks on and wearing torn and dirty unlaced Chinese combat boots they are probably a liberal.
I hope and pray for the sake of America and our children and grandchildren that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama fail in their attempts to destroy America and destroy capitalism.

I’ll tell you this, if Obama and Nancy Pelosi insists on ramming this bill through the House using a reconciliation process, they will pay for it in November.. AND they will lose their majority in Congress in November, and don’t you think for one minute that they don’t know this. Not only will they lose their jobs but they will also lose their perks, and that will hurt most of all! Because as
promised we will get rid of every single stupid azz legislation pass by these rats as well as the rats that voted for it....