It is Done, The American People Have Lost.

It is Done, The American People Have Lost. And we won't forget this debacle in November. And we won't forget about you Mr. Obama when you start kissing ass when you are up for re-election.. That's not going to happen. Payback is coming to all of you blood-sucking Democrats. The Republicans will not only win in November, but they will sweep these lice out completely.
Obama sold this debacle on a pile of lies. So don't celebrate. The bums who are getting these free handouts on the corner don't vote. They disappear when the hand-outs end.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick of over what has happened to my country.
The Democrats appoint open Communists and Mao worshipers to positions of great power. They reject our Constitution, our laws, our traditions and our culture. They deny any need for the consent of the governed. They openly spit on the will of the people. They are deliberately bankrupting our nation, and destroying our freedoms. Just you watch, the illegal alien and cap and trade bills are next.

Only the progressives lice are happy over this..