We all know that Biden suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. If you ever want an “honest” opinion of what the Administration is doing, just ask Biden. Eventually it will slip out.
Oh Mr. President. For a brilliant guy you seem to read the tea leaves with the same degree of transparency your administration has proffered the public.
Why not let the insurance companies compete which would make them compete? Allow them to sell over state lines. Take away their anti-trust exemption.
These simple acts would be far more effective but oh dear, you wouldn't have government control over yet another industry.
Oh, wait. Maybe I get it now. Greed and power. Follow the money.
Shame on you and any of the congressional boobs that go along.
Enjoy the next two and a fraction years. They're all you'll have!And you are no doubt one of the Libbies employed by Obamafhid and cronies to be online all day. One of his duffus cronies - that know nothing about business. How many in his administration have business experience? Less than any administration for the last half century. That is why he has made the economy worse. All he does is make things worse. Everything he gets near goes down hill. FAST