The Oscars Are Likely To Go Anti-American Again

For the past few years I’ve avoided watching the Academy Awards having finally gotten the message that they’re just a big fat political tool that has nothing to do with quality film making. My self-imposed boycott of the televised event was difficult in the beginning because I used to be a die hard movie buff but. Noticed I said "Used to be" And as usual I will not be participating in watching this phony yearly ritual. I stopped when they show began to become political and idealogical to the left. This year Alec Baldwin, the hero of the left will be one of the two Masters of Ceremony and that alone will give me great pleasure in missing it.
Alec Baldwin deserves the award for stupidity but outside of that I couldn't care less what the Hollywood airheads do, say or think or what awards they get.!
But the liberals LOVE that kind of love fest crap where a bunch of leftist get together to blast the right. This time they won't have George Bush to kick around so it will be very interesting to see their reaction to our Dear Leader who has done just about everything he could have in only one year to destroy American and Capitalism. I am so sick of sitting in my living room and watching the Left telling us off, that I stopped watching it.
Personally I could care less who's screwing who or what kind of dress Sandra Bullock is wearing. I just can't stand all that egotistical crap.
I can remember the days when a actor received a Academy Award for the great work that was done in making a great movie, today's it's all about politics and who could insult a prominent Republican the most, they are the ones who will be receiving the most applause.
It's all about
Hollywood preaching and lecturing to the rest of America about about their own pet causes. I may be okay with Gay marriage, but I'm not okay with Sean Penn telling me that I should be.. I don't see any reason to watch the parade of these Bush-hater's starring George Clooney, Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell, Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, and the other Hollywood liberals who make 100's of millions by acting in movies, and derive their income from millions of people who detest their political views. While Americans appreciate the talents of a good actor, sometimes the obnoxious liberalism is too much to bear. Many God fearing Americans have no desire to watch a Jane Fonda or Sean Penn film. The Oscars face a similar problem as Americans have grown of the steady diet of liberalism in the awards ceremony.
Frankly Alec Badwin, Sean Penn, Barbra Streisand, and the rest are a total waste of skin, a bunch of idiots, and socialist's. . Being a communist sympathizer is the ultimate anti American mentality as far as I'm concerned.

So don't watch this dumb Circus of Stars,

Send Hollywood a Message: To Stop Making These Anti-American, Anti-Military Movies!