How come they stopped counting the fatalities in Afghanistan? Or in Iraq? they're not counting "body counts" anymore anywhere! Isn't it strange that as soon as Obama came into office this practice of counting "Body Counts" stopped!
Maybe become they are too busy counting Obama 's Scandals and appointment screw-ups!
I'm just putting the facts out there for you people to read and ask questions..
As Obama's approval ratings continue to tank and the more he opens his mouth the worse they get. And it seems as if the Body Counts have gotten lost along the way.
When George Bush was in offices I heard about the Casualties almost every hour. And now all we hear about is the Casualties of the terrorists! Don't it make you want to say "Hummm"?
How Come the Body Count Meter is Running in Reverse?
And where are those pictures of the American's returning home in Flag draped coffins?
Why did the media suddenly stop tallying the Military dead as well as the deaths of the coalition troops?
Inquiring Minds Would Like To Know! Some propaganda or the lack of it presents a very powerful message.