The Tables Are Turned, Michelle Obama Just Can't Take It

Michelle Obama said Wednesday that her year as first lady has allowed people to finally get to know her after the combat of a bruising campaign turned her into a “caricature” to some voters.

Yes, my good friends, the tables have turned. Remember when Condi Rice was made fun of? Remember when racist cartoons were printed about her? And, remember the left and the media thought it was just fine and funny to paint her as an Aunt Jemima type? mmmmmmmmm? Now, they hold up Michelle as the smartest women in the world. Michelle, the person who had never been proud of her country. MMMMMMMMM. Yep. there's not a double standard in the media.... No. No. really there's no double standard. Remember when the black caucus , Jessie and the other guy who calls himself a rev. wouldn't stand up for Condi against blatantly racist attacks from white crackers on the left? There's no double standard there, is there? LOL and they wonder why they're a laughing stock to the masses. LOL
Mark my words, At some point she will lose her cool and do a "Hillary Clinton"

I hope she doesn't get to used to living in the White House. She and our Dear Leader will be looking for new diggs after the 2012 elections