Nancy Pelosi on Health Care: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find out What Is in It."
And Obama along with the other Liberal Nitwits are surprised that the public is against this ridicules bill! She doesn't appear to have enough intelligence to read it and understand it herself. She can't seem to comprehend that the American people DO NOT WANT this bill in its present form and she wants us to vote for it unseen? Is this the act of a MORON or what?
"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."
This my friends is effin believable. You just can't make things like this up! And that was her real quote, it wasn't from Saturday Night Live, even if it sounds like it is!
This is a perfect example of American Arrogance. She doesn't appear to have enough intelligence to read it and understand it. She can't seem to comprehend that the American people DO NOT WANT this damn stupid bill. When it comes to being a boneheaded idiot, Nancy the Nincompoop. She needs to come out from under that rock as soon as possible! WHEN DID IT BECOME POLICY to vote on a bill so we can FIND OUT WHAT'S IN IT? And this IDIOT is second in line from the Presidency! Oh well, I guess that's not so bad when you look who's next in line. Only in America can something like this be true. Does this POS actually think we are STUPID ? The progressive idea of transparency live my friends..
How in the world could anybody in theri right mind still will back any Progressive/Democrat/Communist like O'Buma, Schumer, Reid, Polousy etc. must have the same intelligence as a tree stump. When will these Morons wake up? F--K the Party you morons, this is our freedom that are being discussed by these Progressive/Communist.