Wake Up JEWS! Democraps DO NOT support ISRAEL and DO NOT support Jews!. And Hillary Clinton, Shut Up And Go Away!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, referring to an announcement by a government ministry during a visit last week by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, of planned construction in an area of the West Bank that Israel has annexed to Jerusalem.

The timing of the disclosure, after Palestinians agreed to indirect peace talks, embarrassed Biden and raised questions over whether Israel's settlement policy could harm U.S.-Israeli security cooperation in the face of a future nuclear-armed Iran.

Hillary's attitude towards Jews in general has been no secret for years but seems to have been conveniently forgotten. And this administration is alienating every US ally and prostrating itself before our adversaries. When will you people WAKE UP????

"It was hurtful and certainly it should not have happened," Netanyahu said of the announcement by the Interior Ministry, controlled by the religious Shas party, a member of a governing coalition dominated by pro-settler parties, including his own.

In unusually blunt remarks, Clinton had called Israel's behavior "insulting" after it approved the project while hosting Joe Biden, who had focused during his visit on Washington's commitment to Israeli security and sanctions against Iran. Joe Biden don't know his ass from his elbow and has no business even being in a hot place like this. This is the same Biden who threatened anyone not to waste one dime of stimulus money and Sean Hannity did a whole show on the waste and not a peep out of the old fool. Obama and Biden along with The Pig in a Pant Suit are buffoons on the world stage and nobody notices because they're so horrific at home also. Hillary was an early supporter of a Palestinian state, and nothing has changed!
These two putrid piles of excrement are a shame to this country.
If the Palestinians really wanted their lives to get better they know how to do it. Accept Israel's right to exist

For the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country!