Obama and the Fox Interview

In a combative interview last night with Fox News' Bret Baier, Obama tried to defend his Health Care bill.
Obama didn't really say anything during the whole interview, he campaigned and changed the subject constantly.. . Just as in the past never really answering a question but trying to overpower the interviewer with lines like... "please don't interrupt me" or "if you let me answer the question, I'll get to that".. But he never gets to "that"
Twice in the interview Obama implored Baier to let him finish his thought.
Saying, "Well, I'm trying to answer your question and you keep on interrupting," Mr. Obama said at one point.
I guess that Mr. Obama does not like Fox News because he is unaccustomed to the kind of Media people who do not ask him questions like "Mr. President, are you amused by the fact that some Americans do not understand the totality of your own greatness?"
All and all
Bret Baier did a great job, it was the first time that Obama had his feet held to the fire. And that anyone pressed him the way that he did. All you other so-called journalists should take a lesson from that interview and start to question all politicians with the same pair of balls that Bret did! Time to start doing your job so the American people will be more knowledgeable about current events, and the people that we have in office today!

By the way, I just loved this line..
"By the time the vote has taken place, not only I will know what's in it, you'll know what's in it because it's going to be posted and everybody's going to be able to evaluate it on the merits,"