I've wondered this for a few months now. Do white people have equal rights to a white culture that other races and ethnicities do? You see on campuses different ethnic clubs. For Hispanics, Asians, African Americans, etc. And I think thats cool. I, for one, see no problem with people who enjoy being amongst others like them. It's possible to enjoy that while also not hating others.
For example, I hate rap music. Just doesn't do it for me. But I like Mexican music. And rock. I'm white, and can honestly say I have no hatred for a person based on race or ethnicity. I've truly pondered that for a long time about myself, rather than just blankly saying it. I found that I have no problems with other people or races, but I do dislike some cultures. Not their right to exist, but being surrounded by it. Like I said, I dislike rap. Hate loud music, especially with strong bass. I also don't drink or smoke. So I don't feel comfortable in many concert environments, but especially rap or heavy metal. I also am annoyed by slang. I prefer to speak and discuss in proper English. Not knocking people who use slang, I just prefer to not use it or discuss in it.
So it brings me to a question: Do white people have a right to their own culture? To softer music, lack of slang, blander foods, less flashy dress styles, etc? This stems from a lecture I got from a sociology professor in which he stated the white race is a generic, default race, and not a race at all. He argued since white is not a race, but the lack of a race, it's impossible to be racist against white people. That disliking white people or white culture is simply to dislike the lack of culture, lack of race, lack of substance.
So, his argument is white is not a race, but lack of race. White culture is simply a lack of culture. White is default, void of culture, racial identity, or ethnicity, thus it's impossible to be racist against a non-race, and white people can only identify with a culture if they take parts of another culture and adhere to it (like white kids trying to be hip-hop).
Or is it, because white people kept slaves and they must pay for that for eternity.
For example, I hate rap music. Just doesn't do it for me. But I like Mexican music. And rock. I'm white, and can honestly say I have no hatred for a person based on race or ethnicity. I've truly pondered that for a long time about myself, rather than just blankly saying it. I found that I have no problems with other people or races, but I do dislike some cultures. Not their right to exist, but being surrounded by it. Like I said, I dislike rap. Hate loud music, especially with strong bass. I also don't drink or smoke. So I don't feel comfortable in many concert environments, but especially rap or heavy metal. I also am annoyed by slang. I prefer to speak and discuss in proper English. Not knocking people who use slang, I just prefer to not use it or discuss in it.
So it brings me to a question: Do white people have a right to their own culture? To softer music, lack of slang, blander foods, less flashy dress styles, etc? This stems from a lecture I got from a sociology professor in which he stated the white race is a generic, default race, and not a race at all. He argued since white is not a race, but the lack of a race, it's impossible to be racist against white people. That disliking white people or white culture is simply to dislike the lack of culture, lack of race, lack of substance.
So, his argument is white is not a race, but lack of race. White culture is simply a lack of culture. White is default, void of culture, racial identity, or ethnicity, thus it's impossible to be racist against a non-race, and white people can only identify with a culture if they take parts of another culture and adhere to it (like white kids trying to be hip-hop).