Thanks a lot Obama, you Kenyan Creep..

Greetings and sympathy to all of you fellow US patriots. Yes the America we once knew and loved so much is gone, it has been defeated, and yes in many cases it’s already dead it all over for us Patriots. The America is defeated, dying, and dead it all over for us patriots, the Marxist, Socialists BASTARDS have won. They did it by bribery, by arm twisting and by threats, but this is the way the Marxist, Socialists do things. So get used to it. We now have a ignorant bunch of little Neo Nazis running around like packs of dogs digging us into a state of Socialism.
This is not only about a Heath-care bill that we can't afford , it's about abuse of power and Socialism.
He even was brazen enough to tell some Congress people that if they didn’t vote “YES” he wouldn’t campaign for them when they ran for re-election. Having Obama saying he won't campaign for you is like your mother-in-law threatening not to come and stay with you during your Christmas holidays. Or having David Dukes campaign for Al Sharpton..
Really, you call that a threat? But he won. And that’s what counts!
I will work as hard as I can to get those in congress that do not care about the people voted out and I will do what ever I can to make it happen. Today the Obama administration has become the Obama "regime” I am saddened and I am furious that my children will never know what it is like live the same freedom that I knew. Or the same American that I knew. And I resent the lazy, ignorant fools that votes for Obama, destroyed this country and killed the American dream..
I guess that we didn’t really learn from September the 11th, On one hand, Socialism threatens to destroy us from within, and on the other hand Islam already is destroying us.
Yep, It was pretty upset this morning, but we will continue the fight. We real Americans don’t just lie down. We fought an honorable battle, and they fought a dishonest one. We weren’t the one’s who bribed, and twisted arms, and bought votes and made these filthy illegal promises . And met behind closed doors at night.
The Democrats didn't win anything, they bought it, broke arms to get and every underhanded trick they could find, and they will pay dearly for it. But, it ain't over yet! States are already filing lawsuits against the federal government. We've only just begun to fight this fight. Hang on America. It ain't over yet. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.
This is not the America I once knew and loved. I just don't recognize it anymore. I feel like a outsider in my own country. And I'm not going to stand by and let that happen.
Thanks a lot Obama, you Kenyan Creep..