In the past few weeks there has been nothing else but mayhem in Mexico. Just the other day, gunmen chased two white SUVs from the birthday party of a consulate employee's child on Saturday and opened fire as horrified relatives screamed. The two near-simultaneous attacks left three adults dead and at least two children wounded. The attack drives home just how dangerous this wonderful Vacation spot can be.
I think that we have been kissing up to Mexico, China and Japan. for too long. I say repeal the 16th amendment and bring the manufacturing jobs back to America and get rid of these slave labor countries with some high tariffs. When the hell are we going to start drilling for our own energy sources and piss on the Oil Countries? Pancho Villa is invading our towns, Mexican drug dealers, human smugglers, and violent gang members are coming across the border in droves, and breaking our laws like they didn’t exist. And now they are killing our citizens right under the eyes of the local authorities. I am sick and tired of Mexico's drug wars being blamed on us. Yes, we have drug addicts. All we have to do is shoot these animals when they are caught bringing drugs in and that will take care of it quick enough. Political correctness is what the problem is!
The drug war is here in our front yard, and while the whining left are intent on kissing the butts of others.
How many people die everyday for this corruption? Better yet how much longer can employeers find employees that are drug free? How many government officals are hooked on drugs. Why is the government allowing the down sizing of law enforcement across the country as crime escalates. Why is the government allowing the unchecked growth of street gangs. Why is the government so hot to trot to get the guns away from legal citizens. I want to see some stats on the legal gun owners that commit crimes verses the unregistered gun toting criminals! Crime can only grow with government approval or indifference. Weak laws & judges create more crime and violence. If congress cared whether they are Dems or Republicans then we wouldn't have to fear for our families and ourselves.
We need some type of ID with fingerprints and social security numbers that aren't fraudulently taken. Anyone with a false social security number should go to jail then be deported. In fact, anyone that is put in jail, once they serve their time, must be deported if there here illegally. That also goes for the aliens that use our hospitals, yes, treat them, then deport them. There should be no such thing as an anchor baby. Just deport the mother and child. Sounds cruel, but look at what is happening to our country. It is becoming Mexico. I am tired of my hard earned money going to people who don’t deserve it.
But Obama and his Socialist minions don't give a rat's ass about me or you. They want all those millions of new voters so they can realize their ambition of one party Marxist rule and these new citizens WILL vote for them to get all the free goodies the Marxists will be promising them. It kind of reminds me of what Hillary Clinton did to the Puerto Rican Terrorists. I remember it very clearly, when she was accused of attempting to get cozy with the Puerto Rican community in New York, when she was going to run for the New York Senate. The PIAPS had her Hubby Bill Clinton grant clemency to the FALN terrorists. The same bunch of pigs that Bombed New York landmarks.
Lets face it, Bush definitely was not the best President but he was absolutely in the Major Leagues. Obama will never make it out of the little league. Bush said what he meant and meant what he said.

Other countries didn't like it but at least they still knew we were on top. Now, no one has respect for us. Our greatest allies are wavering with support and our enemies are waiting to ravage the remains when we fail and with Obama up there for three more years, it is very possible.