"We don't gotsta worry 'bout no mo'gage, don't gotsta worry 'bout no gas; Obama gonna take care o' me. Now lets get som of diss free stuffs dat Walmats givin us!

Some of the American people probably thought they were voting for hope and change when they voted for President Barack Obama on Nov. 4, 2008. But according to Rev. Al Sharpton, they were voting for Socialism.

Sharpton, told Fox News on March 21, during their special coverage of the House of Representatives' passage of health care reform legislation, this victory for President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would begin "transforming" the country.

"I think that the president and Nancy Pelosi get credit," Sharpton said. "I think this began the transforming of the country the way the president had promised. This is what he ran on."

WRONG AL, that is NOT why they voted for Obama! But Sharpton’s right on this one. Obama is a socialist an anyone who voted for him either knew that or is a moron.

Wrong again, Al.

They were suckered in by a deceptively charming man who spoke well in front of a TV camera, who acted like he knew what he was talking about and by their own white guilt over past treatment of blacks, and by an old, weak, pathetic, uninspiring candidate on the Republican side who would have lost against any other candidate as well!

So Sharpton admits he and his fellow left-wing cronies are socialists?
When the government starts telling folks that you cannot eat that whopper and fries for lunch due to the fat content, and you can’t drink that Pepsi because it has sugar in it and you can’t buy that car because it uses too much gas and your mother is too damn old to be kept alive because we need to make room for the younga folks, the general population will learn very quickly the true nature of socialism.