Auto Insurance is a State issue, not a federal one. Health care and car insurance are a different can of worms.
There is no federal law mandating car insurance and for the following reasons..
There are two big differences.
1) You are not required by law to own a car.
2) The states generally set the level of auto insurance required within the States borders, not the federal government.
And you can chose to not pay for car insurance, by not owning or driving a car. You can still take a bus, walk, ride a bike, or call a taxi. You can still go to work, go to a restaurant etc, and you can take a vacation by using a train or a plane.
But, and it’s a big but, if you chose not to pay for health insurance you will get taxed, fined or imprisoned. Not exactly the same at all is it? In reality, by making Health insurance mandatory at the risk of being fined or jailed is nothing more than a quid pro quo for the insurance companies. And lets face it, making Health insurance mandatory is totally unconstitutional.
Also, you are required to have auto insurance for the protection of others not for yourself. You can own a car without collision or vandalism insurance, therefor if you wreck your own car you are the one that will have to pay for it.. However, the reason auto insurance is mandatory is because when a 2,000 plus pound vehicle hits something, it does damage to a second and possibly an innocent person, that person should not have to pay their own medical bills because someone else either drove irresponsibly, or was driving while drinking, or just had an honest to goodness accident. Likewise, the person who’s property received damage deserves compensation for the damage done from no fault of their own.. Only liability insurance is required by State laws... ..It’s the bank that requires you to carry collision insurance if you still owe them money from your car loan.