Before all of you get up in arms and start bashing me which you will and that is okay. Let me say that I think it's time for Conservatives to be proud of themselves. Let's not get all upset from these people calling us names for being true to our convictions. There are White's, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans. Many pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You Call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey', White Shit' , 'Whitey,' 'Caveman' ... And that's OK. But when I call you, Liberal Moonbats...You call me a racist. Why are we too scared so say. We have elected a "BLACK" president? So, no, I don't want to hear one more person say Republicans/Conservatives are RACIST!
And that we owe blacks for something that your or my ancestors were never part of. Also, why do we have to pay to help Mexican immigrants in our country "get started"? My ancestors didn't get shit from the government when they got here, but they give Mexicans every break in the books.. My ancestors a long time ago were probably enslaved by other Europeans, but I'm not angry. There are many Black conservatives that are really taking heat for their involvement in the Tea Party movement, and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first Black President, the one that "Made History" They've been called Oreo's, Traitors, Aunt Jemima's, and Uncle Toms, and are having to defend their values. Yes, Racism and Bigotry is alive and well has a comfortable home in the Democratic party. How freaking sad! Like the false reports of Tea Partier's spitting on Black Congressmen and calling him the "N" word. How sad it is that they call us Republicans racist's...
I would like to point out that reports by U.S. Reps. John Lewis, and Barney Frank, that Tea Party people shouted racial and anti-gay slurs at them are UNCORROBORATED and they are going to remain uncorroborated because IT DID NOT HAPPEN. Lewis and Frank lied, they know they lied, and the media knows they lied. If there was any evidence to support their claim, say a witness or some video/audio, it would be all over the liberal media. Anybody seen it? Are the Tea Partier's all of a sudden going to break out the white robes and nooses? Is that what they really think. Sadly, Democrats have managed to trick a lot of black Americans into believing that the GOP is a racist party. But, in truth, the Democratic Party was, is, and will likely continue to be the home of far more racists than the GOP. Meanwhile, what do we see from Democrats? We see Oreo cookies being thrown at Maryland's black U.S. Senate candidate Michael Steele and black Republicans like Colin Powell being called "Uncle Toms" and Condi Rice compared to "Aunt Jemima." Who was the first and only black American currently on the Supreme Court? Clarence Thomas. And who was the first black Secretary of State? Colin Powell. And the first black woman to be a Secretary of State? Condi Rice. Why do people not remember that it was a Republican President who ended slavery and it was under Democratic leadership that the dogs were let loose and fire hoses were turned on to marchers for freedom. I have attended Tea Party gatherings in my state New York and I was very proud to find that there were people of all three races there, as well as many ethnicities. There were no problems, I saw no racism, I saw no idiots, I saw no one who needed to be arrested. They were merely people coming together to address issues they have in common. I for one, salute anyone brave enough to go to a Tea Party regardless of race. Lets take a quick look at Mr. Al Sharpton who walks around and casts himself as a moral arbiter qualified to pass judgment on the words and actions of Don Imus who uttered some stupid remarks that are no more offensive than a thousand other things he has said during his long radio career. Sharpton contends that Imus no longer has a moral right to hold a job in the industry where he has worked for more than four decades. Yet Sharpton and done more damage to the White and Jewish people than anyone else I can think of, other than Louis Farrakhan. Personally I've yet to meet a fair minded liberal. One with whom you could have a two sided conversation. Well, I should not have said "any" as I have met a few and there are a few that participate right here on this very blog.
Where does a vampire keep his valuables? In a blood bank! Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-… wait, why are you not laughing. Oh, I see. That joke just didn’t cut it, huh. Cut the mustard. It was rehashed and cliché. Mildly entertaining, but overall just boring and lacking emotional substance? Coincidentally, these characteristics are exactly what you will find in this week's film “Vampyr.” The joke and this movie are similar in composition, and will make you feel exactly the same.
One day Allan Grey decides to go on an aimless stroll through the German countryside. Along the way he finds an old creepy inn, and apparently not having anything better to do (not a Jew in sight to beat!) he decides to stay for the night. Why not?! You know, nothing better than staying the night in a random hotel which upon walking in you see an eyeless woman wandering about and witness a robed man worshiping the Devil. Hey, can’t be worse than the Mag Mile’s Red Roof Inn, right?
Seems Grey has a taste for the supernatural, so he figures he might as well check in to check out the spooks. Much to his surprise, Grey is awoken that night by a strange intruder who hands him a sealed book and instructs Grey to not open it until after his demise. Also, before shambling out of a wallpapered door (so gaudy), he warns Grey to do whatever it takes to protect “the girl who lives upstairs.”
A bunch of random, incoherent stuff happens after that, which isn’t worth the finger strength to type. Grey eventually goes on another wander-fest and ends up at the intruder’s home, where he promptly sees the man murdered by, gasp, a “shadow person!”
The old man dead, Grey can open his little book, which turns out to be a historical account/manual on those creatures of the night, vampires! Finally, we get to the plot! Vampires are common in the area, as are their helpers, the creepy “shadow people” – individuals whose criminal lost souls forever walk the earth performing evil deeds for vampires, the devil, basically anyone who can provide three hots and a cot.
Grey is taken in by the intruder author’s family, which is comprised of a few servants and two lovely daughters. Soon one of the daughters, who lives in the upstairs room (the warning!) is bitten by the robed devil worshiper, who turns out to be the village's head vampire.
As the one daughter starts to fade to the dark side due to her bites, the other one starts to make eyes at Pretty Boy Grey. No time for love though, as Grey and the house servants must use the old man’s vamp book to help defeat the village vampires and return poor daughter #1 to health. At least we think that is the plot. Really hard to tell for sure. Weirdness and boredom abound in the 1932 flick “Vampyr.”
RDHP Ratings and Reviews
C-Rating: 1.6 Chris Dimick bites: “Vampyr sucked. And not in the way it is supposed to. If you are a vampire movie, Vampyr, then where the hell is the blood-sucking! Better yet, where are the vampires! I don’t recall either, you stupid asshole! Okay…okay, calm down. Take it easy, Chris. It’s just when a movie wastes my time as much as Vampyr did and then tries to pass itself off as a German Expressionism “classic,” it really gets deep in my craw.
This movie did not make sense from the beginning, and just continued on being confusing until its lame end. To sum up Vampyr with one word, it was “boring.” Yes, boring. This is a first for me in the RDHP. Even if a film is bad, I can find something about it that keeps me entertained. Usually just the awfulness in itself will keep my eyes on the screen. But with Vampyr, if it wasn’t for Nick and me frequently joking around, I would have completely fallen asleep. I came real close at one point, my eyes closing for just a second. Seriously! Shame on you Vampyr, I have never even come close to falling asleep, ever, in a horror movie. You are my dirty first.
This movie couldn’t decide if it was a silent picture or a talkie. It was half silent, half talkie, and all horrible. The first talkie came out in 1927, so it doesn’t make sense to me why the director would film the movie as a silent homage only five years later, especially if they had full access to sound! Not only that, but the film isn’t truly a silent – there are some dialog exchanges and other sounds. But yet, these talkie moments are so horribly boring that they add nothing to the enjoyment of the film.
If you are not going to have sound, then damn-it movie, you need to dazzle me visually. Dazzle me like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, or even Nosferatu. This one didn’t even come close. Sure, there were some inventive shots, namely the way the ghostly “shadow people” wrecked havoc across the set. Other shots were very nicely framed and pleasing to the eye. I'd even say many of the scenes were spooky.
But by no means was any of it groundbreaking, even for 1932, which is well after Caligari (1920) and Nosferatu (1922). You could say, ‘Geez, Chris, go easy on them. It is an old movie, 1932! They did the best they could.” This movie came out one year after the stunning “M”, which the RDHP reviewed earlier last year, so I know that German filmmakers are capable of much better cinema. This has no excuse, it is just bad.
Vampyr made absolutely no sense to Nick and me. We spent half the movie talking amongst ourselves trying to figure out the plot. It was like a German Expressionist version of a bad David Lynch movie. In fact, this movie made less sense than Phantasm, the granddaddy of stinkers in the RDHP! I’ll concede that there were parts that were creepy, and were probably very scary in 1932. The movie played out as if the characters were in a never ending nightmare, plagued by shadow people and vampires. And don’t even get me started on the various infant human skeletons hanging in the head vampire’s home! Yikes!
But unlike many of the other silent and older talkies we have seen during the RDHP, this one just hasn’t stood tall against the hurricane of time. Viewing it today, it’s very outdated, cliché, and worse of all, boring. I am not easily bored, especially when it comes to horror movies. Typically, I’m a very forgiving soul when it comes to plot, setting, acting, as long as the story is unique. But all the baby skeletons in the world couldn’t save this one from my sub-2.0 ratings dungeon. I banish thee, Vampyr, down to the depths of movie hell! May your skin boil for eternity!
N-Rating: 1.4 Nick Rich bites: "Reading Chris' synopsis of the film genuinely surprised me - because what he described was not what I recalled happening (NOT a good sign). There are movies that don't make sense, but in a cool way... sad to say, Vampyr could not pull this off, so I had to rate this one even lower than Phantasm.
First off, the film was restored poorly (if it was at all). At any given time there would be watermelon-sized blips that would obscure the shot. Which is not to say that the picture was clear when blip free - most of the long shots looked like how I experience the world when I remove my glasses (which is just disappointing). Flicks we've viewed from the 1920's looked crystal clear compared to some of the shots we were exposed to in this film, so I tend to think it was a result of poor camera work as opposed to equipment. It's fairly difficult to get into an already confusing film if you're squinting to see exactly what is happening.
Have we mentioned this film is confusing? If we have, I don't think we've stressed it enough to convey the randomness that abounds in this film. The plot isn't even conceived until almost halfway through the movie and when the details are revealed to help 'clear up ' the first half. I found myself perturbed instead of enlightened by the explanations provided (i.e. how you feel when a 'big reveal' makes you say, "and I care because...").
Don't even get me started on the copious amount of reading the viewer had to do when whole pages of the vampire diary were flashed on screen (sometimes for only a few seconds!) in the most difficult to read font EVER! I suppose I could have viewed this as some sort of rigorous training for an unforeseen future event, but mainly it was just frustrating.
I'm a nice guy, so I can concede there were some cool shots (shadow people) and interesting situations (one I can think off), but the soul-crushing boredom that abounded sucked any lasting life those moments could have had. Whenever said moments would occur I found myself thinking, "Oh, that shot was kinda-" then being violently launched back into the boredom abyss. At least Phantasm had the good sense to be cheesy so we could enjoy how horrible it was - this film gave us plenty of time to crack wise, but even that was unsatisfying due to the content. Oh Vampyr, you wanted ever so desperately to be a serious flick, and serious you were... seriously boring.
The Skinny: Don't watch this film. Seriously, if you're tempted to watch a bad flick, just watch Phantasm. If you are assigned to watch it for a class just make something up - the teacher will not be able to tell the difference.”
Quote of the Viewing: [Scene: Nick and Chris yell in horror at the various child skeletons hanging in a vampire's chambers] Nick: “(In a sly voice) Hey Chris, what do you call a baby skeleton?” Chris: “I don’t know, Nick, what DO you call a baby skeleton?" Nick: “A beleton!” Chris: (shakes head) “Booooooooooooooooooooo!!! Hahahaha. Boo!”
RDHP Salutes Things That Are Boring:
Vampyr was boring, really, really boring. But there are things far more snooze inducing that we unfortunately experience in everyday life. But you know what they say, ‘If you're bored, just get drunk!” Try that advice next time you come up against any of the following torture-fests.
You have to be really sick to take pleasure in doing math. I’m talking Eddie Gein sick.
Don’t give us that “But, I love my job” crap. Every job has its boring moments. You know, those “I’m about to jump out the window just to end this meeting” moments. Why do people looooooooove to hear themselves talk?
Traffic Jams
After two hours stuck in the same spot on I-94, not even the radio can help stave off the boredom bug. Try passing the time counting the number of anger veins popping out of your forehead.
NASCAR TV Broadcasts
Who watches this? People go to these events for the crashes, but are they really all that exciting through the glass tube? Who sits for hours on a Sunday afternoon watching cars run around a loop? Soooooooooooooo boring! Pass the Maker’s Mark already!
Vegetables in general are boring, but beets are the Ben Stein of the veggie world. Name one good thing that is made with beets? Thought so…
Hippy Jam-Band Music
There is a reason fans of The Grateful Dead and Phish get Pluto-level high at their concerts. The music is so uninspired and boring they need something to help power through. You know, any music sounds great when it is being piped into a head full of acid.
Tuesday at 2:13 p.m.
This exact time is the apex of boredom hell. First off, it’s Tuesday, a full three days until the next sweet weekend, and much too long since the last weekend to still reveal in its exploits. Welcome to the Dead Zone, in the Dead Hour. Lunch is long gone, and even so that sandwich, pretzels and pear you ate wasn’t that stimulating to begin with. With three hours left till quitting time, no end is in sight. Such torture.
Wedding Dress TV Shows
When the wife puts on “Say Yes to the Dress” or any of the other wedding themed shows plaguing cable these days, it takes all a man has not to grab the closest pens, stick them in his eyes, and slam his face into the coffee table. Just kidding, sweetie! (no, seriously, so boring!)
Things the RDHP Learned from Watching Vampyr: -Chris can’t stand doors that blend into the wallpaper. It enrages him. -Ghosts can shoot people with shadow guns (so be careful). -When going on an aimless journey, always bring your butterfly nets. -Death is a great reason to invite a stranger to stay in your home. -Bondage was big in 1930s Germany (see movie still below) -Giving blood produces the same effects as LSD. To the Red Cross!
RDHP Presents: Smart Men Who Look Crazy
The doctor in Vampyr (above) who fought to treat a vampire-bitten girl was surely a smart man… but you just couldn’t trust him due to his wild hair, google eyes, and stumbly walk. I’m sure he was likely sane, but he just looked so crazy! Below, we honor other great and smart men who really embrace that fashionable look of “cat-crap bonkers.”
Albert Einstein
Help! A nutcase just escaped from the asylum and is running… oh, wait, that is just the father of modern physics. What?! I guess all that thinking about E = MC2 made him forget to brush his hair.
James Carville
Amazing commentator and political strategist. He also looks like a freshly hatched alien ready to gnaw through your skull.
Steven Hawking
First look at this guy, out of context, and you’d think man had finally created a cyborg. Bless his astrophysics knowledge though, because without it poor Steven would be just another crippled guy having his wallet stolen by the nursing home temp.
Doc Brown
He invented the flux capacitor and helped get Marty back to the future, but with eyebrows like that it is no wonder Doc was committed to the psych ward in alternative 1985. If you don’t get this reference, shame on you non-BTTF worshiper!
Lou Piniella
Arguably a baseball managerial genius with a World Series ring on his finger and six division titles. Yet, those eyes belong stuffed in a white padded room. In his defense, the Cubs can make any man look crazy.
Rain Man
I wouldn’t get within kicking distance of this loon, unless he was playing my $100 at the blackjack table.
The Burger King
Yeah, he breaks into your house only to sneak into your bed, and has a face that puts the willies down any spine. But don’t call the men in white yet. The man makes a mean burger.
High School Math Teachers
Why do these guys all look the same. Frazzled, broken, and a look in the eye that at any moment they’re going to take your slide ruler and stuff it up your “multiplication sign”. Give them some credit though, no matter how many times they strike out trying to get a piece of Miss. Yuppie the Art Teacher, they can do some mean calculi.
Impress Your Friends! Stupid Vampire Jokes!
This was a stupid vampire movie. To go along with it, some stupid vampire jokes. Memorize them all for fast party ice-breakers! Unless you party in Transylvania… now that would be awkward.
Does anybody live in reality anymore? If the government really wants to put an end to this CRIMINAL activity all they need to do is enforce the laws already on the books and the problem would be solved. If you go around the Liberal blogs this week you’ll find them loaded with nonsense about how bad the Gov of Arizona because she wants to enforce the law of the land! Something the Liberals don’t care about until it effects them and their pocket-books. The liberals are idiots when it comes to policy but they're not idiots when it comes to self protection on their incomes and job security. The liberal's answer to all crime is legalize everything. The same Liberals who are always fighting for all these phony minority rights wouldn't get caught dead living in the neighborhoods where these Mexicans live. And they would raise hell if one of these Mexican families with 25 people living in one room moved next door to them. They don't own business so they don't have to worry about stealing. These people could lose a loved one due to a DUI accident and still support illegal immigration because they don’t want to violate their “Rights” When you fly in to this country you have to show your passport and it has to be stamped. Isn't that profiling? Why do they even bother to do that? When I make a credit card purchase in certain stores, I am asked for my identification, so what’s that called? So attempting to make an effort to actually stopping illegal activity is ILLEGAL! Only in America! My advice to Arizona is to give all the ILLEGAL’S one way bus tickets to Chicago or to Washington. Arizona finally woke up and did a good thing and they no longer want to protect these parasites, so what do the Liberals want to do? They want to “Boycott” the State and everything that the State produces. That’s the typical Liberal answer “BOYCOTT” them! Send in Al Sharpton, sent in Jessie Jackson and the Liberal tree hugging as-holes. This is the conventional Liberal wisdom. And the White House’s answer to this is laughable, pathetic and totally illogical, and totally predictable. And instead of standing behind Arizona for enforcing the law, Obama is scolding Arizona for being unfair to the drug dealers, welfare grabbers, tax cheats, and oh yes, Democrat voters. Our rule of law has collapsed, our country has turned completely upside down. And the root of this problem in right here in Washington, in our own Congress and sitting at the desk in the Oval Office. Obama is too busy scolding Goldman Sachs, and the Tea Party movement.. And the “Misguided One” calls the Arizona Governor “misguided” The drug loving sacks of dog excrement has prevailed.
To hear the media tell it, the Tea Party movement is one of the most mysterious forces ever to surface in national life. Thank you for once again misrepresenting what the Tea party movement in America stands for. You make your fellow socialist Obamabots proud with these malicious threads about a truly patriotic movement occurring in this country. Keep up the good work First, they were described as an ignorant bunch of rabble raisers , as the Washington Post and other leftist rags had pegged them. Then polls showed that their rabble that was better off and better informed than most of the public in general. I know how the left constantly likes to talk and tell all those *Bull-Shit* stories about how much more "educated" and "enlightened" human beings they are than the rest of us. How they are the party of the Intelegenty As they like to say, and to tell us that "we should be MORE INFORMED, MORE EDUCATED, the way they are! According to the libiots, the Tea Party people are all rednecks and trailer trash who could barely make it through high school. This is of course false, but they continue to smear entire groups of people on a regular basis. Catholics, Jews, conservatives, whites, blacks, and Asians, all are folks like you and I. Defenders of the right to bear arms, defenders of the right to speak out, defenders of the unborn, and defenders of freedom, etc. I have never seen anyone at a Tea Party pushing or shoving anyone or cursing or spitting or saying any racist remarks. Never! . The libs love to generalize us as the less educated and the ignorant sheep who "cling to their guns and their religion." The liberal politicians use their generalizations as a defense mechanism against the true claims that they are tone-deaf to the will of the American people. They think that they were elected to office for life and to gain whatever they can along the way.
If you attend any Tea Party rallies as I have, you will almost certainly hear people talking and see more signs directed at issues of liberty ("Don't Tread on Me"), opposition to socialism ("Socialism is not Freedom"), demands for our government to adhere to the principles embodied in the US Constitution, and not stepping all over it as we see today. You will hear quotes from the Declaration of Independence, you will hear all the people asking and demanding to cut the size of government, you will see defenders of property rights, and opposition to entitlement programs, the end to free-loading, protests over the nationalization of industries, anger over earmark and underhanded tactics like bribes and arm-twisting use to pass unpopular legislation, and you will see the people state their disgust with the lack of the personal character of our elected representatives!
Did everyone get the chance to hear BJ Clinton's words of wisdom concerning the Tea Party movement? BJ warned that the anti-government “Right wing fringe” could provoke the kind of political extremism that brought on the Oklahoma City bombing. Yes my good friends, he had the balls to compare US to “Domestic Terrorists!” This man is a blithering idiot. Bill Clinton and Janet Reno are 100% responsible for burning to death 74 men, women and children at Waco on April 19, 1993. Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma federal building to prove that the federal government could not massacre U.S. citizens without repercussions. Like all lying liberal politicians, Bill Clinton is trying to rewrite history and blame someone else, so Clinton blames the conservative TEA Party. Bill Clinton must accept his own responsibility for his tyrannical massacre of the Waco civilians and for the citizen's retribution in Oklahoma. Liberalism is the lie that government can buy votes by giving massive welfare benefits to people that do not work for it. When the government goes broke and the lie is exposed, then liberals and socialists hide their lies by suppressing dissent and becoming tyrants. Clinton is worried about extremism? Who could be more extreme than Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
Bill Clinton should keep his big mouth shut. He brought disgrace upon himself and the White House with the Whitewater Scandal and his affairs. It was under his administration that the World Trade Center was first hit by the Terrorist Arabs. Clinton's Administration did nothing to improve National Security not before then and not after ten either. . In fact he was handed Bin Laden on a silver platter but did not grab him. Most of what George Bush had endured was due to a horribly lax Clinton Presidency. I don't understand how this former President turned Celebrity still has so many people listening to him. Let’s not forget his wife is current Sec. of State with Janet Napaolitano who ran AZ into bankruptcy is Director of Homeland Security. The Clinton-Obama Administration was a National tragedy and hopefully it will be put to an end in 2012 before more damage is done. Isn't this the same "President" that said: "I did not have sex with that woman." as he wagged his damn finger around for effect?
Apparently if it has breath, he screws it....because as we all know, It ain’t sex if it’s oral sex! It ain't immoral if its only oral.
What a slimeball this “EX-President” is... the ultimate slob.
And now we see them inventing stories like calling John Lewis the "N" word, and spitting on them. WHERE'S the PROOF? They are real racists the real racebaiters in this country.
It must really suck to be a left wing loon...they always end up on the wrong side of everything. I think that's why they are always pissed off and so pessimistic.
The people called Palestinians are a cesspool of terrorists, and yet our Dear leader chooses to protect their rights over the people of Israel. But Israel will do what has to be done without any support from Obama. Once again AmeriKa under Barack Obama kicks another former ally in the teeth. When Obama undermines Israel's security, he undermines our own. Where's the outrage over these last few terrorist acts that we have been able to about like the Christmas Bomber and the Fort Hood Terrorist! And THREATS TO NATIONAL there no response by the left winger Tea Party bashers about that has there? Because the Tea Party basher are nothing more than a bunch of partisan hypocrites? Barack Obama and his cronies like Hillary Clinton and Heckel and Jeckel Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the Morons on the Late night TV shows has done us the great service of making the choice between freedom and totalitarianism crystal clear for a large segment of the American population. THIS is the real meaning of the Tea Party movement and to make the public understand its purpose, its goals, and the ultimate power that we have, and which will become first evident this November, regardless of how many of these losers decide to close their eyes and their minds by sticking their heads into the sand.
I'll say it again. The Tea Partiers are law abiding, patriotic, God-loving, liberty-loving Americans who still believe that the ballot box is the answer. I'll guarantee you one thing,the Media will change the minds and their tune about the Tea Parties in November.
I'm really looking forward to November and some roasted lame duck !
And don’t forget; The illegal free-loaders must never be allowed to become citizens because they forfeited that privilege when they sneaked into the country
58 states!! We're gonna need a bigger flag. Maybe the liberals could burn all the old ones! Looks like the House is planning to vote on a resolution on whether Puerto Rico will have a vote on becoming the 51 state. The vote is happening Tomorrow! (Thursday).
I think there is something is fishy about the timing. Not exactly sure what but it just feels off. They have more important things to be focusing on. The real reason Democrats like this is that they think they can get 2 more Democrat Senators from it. Is there absolutely anything these devious, heinous people won't do
Obama Announces New Entrepreneurial Exchange Programs with Muslim-Majority Countries!
Now what the "F" does that mean?
Obama announced a series of new partnerships and initiatives with this goal in mind, including new exchange programs that will bring Muslim-majority countries and the United States together.I always thought Obama was a racist. Now he's become shameless in his racism out of a sense of political opportunism and he's showing his Muslim faith once again.
“We will bring business and social entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries to the United States and send their American counterparts to learn from your countries." And what about the rest of us?! Isn't the "President" supposed to represent all the American people? What a hypocrite and a liar! Now I ask you, What the Hell are WE going to learn from them????? How to get FREE Hand Outs? And Blow Up our Airplanes! (Oh, I forgot, they already are are doing that!) Silly me, I thought that Obama was going to create jobs for the American's! They already know how to beCommunity Organizers! How about creating some business entrepreneurships for our citizens. I'm SO glad he's following through on his promise to UNITE Americans, rather than dividing us. What a JOKE! Wake up and smell the coffee, people. This guy is doing everything he can to "divide and conquer". What else would you expect from the thief in chief.. America has some seriously stupid voters. People need to wake up and stop listening to this garbage. You would think that with the size of those ears, it's a shame that he can't hear what America is saying.
We know who you really are, you’re a racist Muslim ass kisser and I hope the Republicans whip your ass in Nov. 2010, and in 2012. You deserve to lose all your power now that we see what a Marxist “history making” president can do to this great country. Instead of bringing “New Entrepreneurial Exchange Programs with Muslim-Majority Countries”, how about the 10% plus unemployment.. and the 50% unemployed young black men? You have been spending more than all the other presidents before you combined…YOU have given us more debt than ever before…and all in one year! And now you gave us this Health Care disaster! …You have taken over Banks, and the Auto industries,..and our College loans, and now you want Wall St to fold as well. And on top of all this you are not finished yet!THAT IS COMMUNISM FOLKS. What else do you want to call it? All I Can Tell You Folks, Is To Remember November!!!
Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present You With The President & First Lady of the United States of America! Remember this? "And by the way, I want to acknowledge our First Lady, Michelle Obama, who this year is creating a national movement to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity and make kids healthier" So this is the real the fitness-fanatical First Lady that I've been reading so much about! The pig fest included BBQ Ribs, Collard greens, Baked beans, Corn Pudding, Mac & Cheese and Corn bread I'll admit that I'm not a nutritionist, but am guessing that meal they just put away was loaded with fat and cholesterol - just the sort of bad-for-you stuff liberals legislate against. And not exactly the kind of crap that you would be recommending to School kids that your are preaching "Obesity" too. And making an issue of healthy eating about. I'm sure Michelle Obama has good motives, but the issues of weight control and healthy eating can't be one of them! The Community Organizer in Chief and Michelle Ma Belle seem to enjoying the good life. I know they are being hypocritical, but I feel they should be free to eat whatever they want. How dare her to tell me or anyone else to control what they eat. It makes me physically sick to look at them. Ah! And now for a good smoke! Michelle-My-Bell's cause d'jour was supposed to be a lesson on "preventing childhood obesity". This meal sounds like it was meant to be a lesson on how to be little fatties!
Up-Date! Sue said... come on Mal, I don't see a bit of food on the table. Where did you get this notion the president and our lovely first lady ate that food? This is so ridiculous you should be ashamed for even posting it. As for being physically sick looking at this beautiful couple, thats beyond stupid.
Obama and first lady Michelle Obama landed in the Blue Ridge Mountains and made a quick stop at Twelve Bones Smokehouse on the way to their resort. The White House said the first couple ate ribs, mac and cheese, greens, baked beans, corn bread and corn pudding before motorcading to their mountaintop hotel.
Now, I'm waiting for your apology for calling me "Stupid"
Somewhere In Arizona There's A Lady With A Set Of Balls! SHE HAS MORE CLASS THAN ANYONE IN OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Illegal means illegal, what part of that don't Obama understand? Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a new state immigration bill that President Barack Obama called "misguided" hours earlier. I guess that Obama didn't know that being illegal was...illegal?
Brewer, saying that the state had been "more than patient waiting for Washington to act" on the issue of illegal immigration, said that the bill would protect Arizona citizens without violating individuals' constitutional rights.The legislation makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It also requires local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are illegal immigrants.
Finally, some “hope and change.”
This will make it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It will also require local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are in the country illegally. Earlier, President Obama called the bill "misguided" and said it could violate people's civil rights.The bill's Republican sponsor, state Rep. Russell Pearce of Mesa, said Obama and other critics of the bill were "against law enforcement, our citizens and the rule of law."
Arizona did what OBAMA was hired to do, but he fooled us all.
To all you Mexican, Muslims, Arabs, and Asian Nationals…that are in our country illegally and who may be reading this.
We, American citizens, are not against you and/or your family living in our free Republic.
In fact we, American citizens, welcome all those who come here to flee tyranny and oppression in their country of origins.
We, American citizens understand for we had parents, grandparents and even some of us ourselves, came here for the same reasons you came here and/or want to come here for! We don’t chastise you and/or blame you for why you want and/or wanted to come here. But unlike you who came in the dark of night…across our open borders…we came here to this country legally. You are drowning our state economies with social handouts to you…we can afford you no longer! Within the law and open door of opportunity in the light of day, and did what we had to do to deserve the rights of this country..
And don’t let the door hit you guys in the ass on the way out!
Maybe I am not the great Intellect that I thought I was, but that does not stop me from observing the obvious---Obama must be stopped NOW!
When you hear thing like Tea Bagger's are all criminals and Racists, and hateful, and should be arrested for spewing hate.. I ask, show me all the "hate" and "violence" at these rallies. If there where, would you not see footage of "hate and "violence"? You take a look at this and tell me there isn't a double standard!
I can remember it very well, as if it were yesterday, when the left was going after President Bush with everything it had remember "Bush lied and people died?" And they sent in Hillary Clinton to defend their political speeches. She said, "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic." Well I guess that only applies to the left.
The unmitigated gall and arrogance of this President is appalling. Mr. Arrogance scolded the investment sector for contributing to the economic crisis in one breath and asked for its support in the next.
Here you have the US government who has pretty much squandered away trillions and trillions of tax payers money putting this country in far greater financial danger then any banks ever could, pointing the finger at an industry which at the very least, operates in the black. Its the US government which has gotten too big to fail, and failing it is. This attacking the private sector like New York's stock brokerages is just a smokescreen to hide a far bigger financial house of cards which is teetering on collapse. Any why? Not becouse of anything Wall Street did, but because of that Washington did! The federal government, mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are shaping up as the deepest money pits, helped along with FOOLS like Barny Franks, and Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, and other losers.
The misinformation and sudden and convenient forgetfulness on this string of mistakes are absolutely astounding. Fannie and Freddie bought or guaranteed a lot of bad mortgages. They have been losing money on those mortgages. Their losses are guaranteed by the Federal government. Fear mongering and arrogance are Obama's trademark! He should concentrate on JOBS and leave the money making industries (private sector) alone.
Seated in the front while Obama was speaking were Andrew Cuomo, Governor David Patterson, Al Sharpton and Carolyn B. Maloney.. Yes I said Al Sharpton! What the hell was he doing there except being another member of the cheering squad. Where was Congressman Pete King why wasn’t he invited? Was it because he disagrees with Obama?
We are no longer living in the FREE society founded by those brave fathers of the United States of America. We are living in discreetly disguised Socialist society founded by George Soros and Barack Obama. Obama is tearing down America's industries one by one.
Mr. Obama, you have assumed a dictatorial role in our country, and you have become a third rate dictator, like your pals Hugo Chavez, Castro and the rest.
Barack Hussein Obama, stop tearing down America! You have failed the American people as a leader. You have failed the voters as a President. You have violated your oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, by being yourself, an enemy, both foreign and domestic.
Here's the challengePick any part of this blog you like or dislike, and let's discuss it. I am up to any challenge, but unlike most liberals, I promise to discuss it and not to call you any names because of you asinine opinions.
Nick is in the agonizing throws of sickness this week. His head aches, his nose is full of slime, and we won’t even get into what’s going on in his privy. Yet, a smile should be on his face. You see, at least he isn’t in a horror movie.
Illness has postponed this week’s Rich-Dimick Horror Project viewing. So while Nick gargles saltwater and rubs Vicks on his jungle-like chest, I’d like to use this movie break to discuss just what it is about horror movies that keeps folks like Nick and I so enthralled.
There are many reasons I just can’t stop watching scream-flicks. But here are three:
Reason #1: Better Them Than You
They may be violent, terrifying, disgusting, and at times so depressing you need to hide the razorblades. But regardless of a horror movie’s content, when those credits roll you have to admit you feel better. What goes down in a horror movie is so bizarre, outlandish, and horrifying that it makes whatever problems you have going on in life seem small in comparison.
Sure, you might have just lost your company $20,000, stubbed your toe on the front porch steps, forgot your spouse’s birthday, and caught the Swine Flu. But at least you are not chained to a dirty bathtub with your only escape the inevitable dismembering of your foot! At least your RV didn’t just break down in the middle of the cannibal infested desert! At least you didn’t just recite a passage from the Necronomicon that summoned evil demons now on a mission to swallow your soul!
Horror movies provide a profound escape into a world that is always much worse than real life. No matter how bad of a day I have, I can pop in Evil Dead 2 and know Bruce Campbell is having a worse one. That is a comforting feeling that cannot be consistently delivered by drama, action, comedy or sci-fi movies.
Horror is the ultimate mood booster. Even if the movie is utterly depressing, at least you know the situation is worse than you’ll probably ever have it. And unlike life, the situation is resolved one way or another in a tidy few hours. Even unhappy endings at least have some resolve!
Reason #2: Like Crack, Minus the Wack
My name is Chris Dimick, and I’m addicted to horror movies. Seriously, I just can’t get enough of them. For example, the beautiful Music Box Theatre in Chicago hosts a 24-hour horror movie marathon each October. Nick and I attended this fest last year, and after 24 sleepless hours of watching heart-pounding, puke-inducing, side-splitting, mind-freaking movies, we came back to my house and watched, you guessed it, ANOTHER HORROR MOVIE.
Great horror is like a drug to movie fans. Once you get a taste of that sweet sensation, nothing else compares to the buzz. It starts innocently… staying up late with your friends to catch premium channel scary movies after their parents go to bed. Next thing you know your entire paycheck is being spent on William Castle flicks. Rock bottom comes in a dark alley, offering Chinese piracy artists sexual favors in exchange for a copy of the latest "Saw" bootleg. Luckily, though my addiction is strong, I’ve avoided the latter seedy scenario by using Netflix (government controlled and delicious!).
The euphoric feeling at the end of a horror movie is comparable to runner’s high. After miles of frantic sprinting a person can slow to a walk, and feel relaxation wash over the mind. Exhaustion mixes with proud feelings of accomplishment. The journey was taxing and difficult, but it’s over now, and one can revel in the feat – both physical and mental. The horror movie journey is similar. You have been scared, grossed out, thrilled, joked, and sometimes emotionally touched. As those credit rolls, and you look back at the preceding ride, you can be proud to have hung on for the duration.
Like any powerful drug, these euphoric feelings fade in potency as use increases. But every once in awhile a new stash of film is injected through my eyes that brings back that familiar feeling of ecstasy. Ingesting a hundred weak “Phantasms” is worth just one “Let the Right One In” or “Inside.” Horror is just so… far out, man.
Reason #3: Best of all Worlds
When you walk into a horror movie, you never know what genre you are going to see. Will it be mixed with zany goof-ball antics, or will the plot revolve around dramatic personal relationships? Will it be set in the vast reaches of space, or take place in 1700s France.
One thing I have always loved about horror movies is they are not bound to a single genre. They can be comedies, dramas, sci-fi epics, period pieces, war movies, westerns and everything in-between – as long as the situation or plot contains some element of fear, terror, darkness, or horror.
This freeness is refreshing to a movie-watcher. You never truly know what kind of horror movie you are going to get. Also, you never know just what emotions you are going to feel in a horror movie. Sentiment, love, anger, terror, empathy, warm-fuzzy, you name the emotion, you can feel it in a horror movie. Granted, not all movies strive to break new ground. There are definitely piles and piles of rehashed, run of the mill, crap horror movies out there that are just blatant rip-offs of older films.
But even horrible, mind-numbingly stupid horror movies are a blast to watch. If a movie is too bad to respect, one can enjoy it for its awfulness. Expletives and funny comments can be shouted at the screen. You can marvel in its wretchedness, thinking "what in the hell was this writer thinking," and feel good about yourself that you’d never make such a mistake (except for that $20,000 down the drain, but who noticed that anyway).
Bad horror movies are just as fun to watch as great ones. Some quick suggestions, Troll 2 and Feeders are about as awfully good as it gets. Whether good or bad, a horror movie will in some way always entertain. You just can’t loose with this genre!
Chris’ Top Ten Favorite Horror Movies:
There are dozens of reasons why an individual loves horror films. Above were just three of many personal reasons why I enjoy the genre. Over the years, many great movies and wonderful viewing experiences have built my passion for horror. The following are ten such movies I can never get tired of watching.
A “favorite movies list” should always be evolving. That said, the following list is not meant to be any sort of official endorsement either of my own views on horror or the RDHP. My favorites list is day-to-day, changing with my mood, life situation, and personal experiences.
I’m not saying the following movies should be considered great by others, either. But to me they are perfect. They have affected me in various ways: freaked me, made me laugh, provided an escape from life’s troubles, and represented great times gone by. With that disclaimer, I can say that if you have never seen any of the films on this list, take a chance and give them a watch. They are worth a couple hours of your time.
Top Ten Favorite Horror Movies (in random order):
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Superb writing, quirky directing and unforgettable characters. To this day, no villain has scared me more than Buffalo Bill. This flick gives me chills every time. So tense! It puts the lotion on its skin!
The best slasher movie of all time. Though copied a thousand times over it still feels fresh with each viewing. Carpenter’s music is perfect, and Curtis shows she truely is the queen of scream.
Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives (1986)
The best installment of the Friday series. This one relies more on humor and creative “kills” than scares, which makes it endlessly fun to watch over and over. Jason finally becomes undead in Part 6, a nice move.
The Shining (1980)
The most interesting ghost story ever put on screen. Leave it to Stanley Kubrick to produce one of the few horror movie masterpieces. Excellent scary setting and stunning performances. I get chills every time little Danny rounds that corner on his tricycle.
The Mist (2007)
This is a monster movie with a brain. Not only are the creatures freaky, but this movie shows that when disaster strikes it is not the fifth dimension bugs we need to fear, but each other! Great social commentary mixed into a fast and fun movie about killer monsters from beyond our world.
Grindhouse (2007)
Two master filmmakers lending their personal style to the bygone grind house horror genre. Rodriguez’s Planet Terror is bloody, trashy campiness at its finest, while Tarantino’s Death Proof offers the viewer a smooth talking, visually beautiful carmageddon. Throw in some fake trailers from horror’s greatest, and this double feature is perfect modern horror.
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
The film that started the zombie genre. And it is still its best. The zombies are the right mix of intriguing, gross, slow and scary. A great message mixed into the horror. This one packs a deadly bite, and can even still give me goosebumps if watched in the right setting.
Evil Dead 2 (1987)
The whiplash pace of this over-the-top comedy-horror never lets up. What a ride it provides. Regardless of my mood, I can watch Evil Dead 2 and end the movie smiling.
The Wolf Man (1941)
My favorite of the classic, golden age of Universal Studios horror movies. The Wolf Man is just good, clean fun. It has a nice romantic understory, and a great villain/protagonist in the Wolf Man. Yeah, Frankenstein and Dracula are interesting, but they just never seemed as primal and cool as a man who turns into a wolf.
Scream (1996)
The horror movie that defined my generation. It was hip, stylistic, gory, original and fun. Watching it takes me back to my formative years. And that is always a great trip.
Honorable mentions:
Final Destination (2000)
A great turn-of-the-millenium horror flick with creative “kills” and interesting storyline pitting the Grim Reaper as the rare main killer.
Let the Right One In (2008)
The most unique vampire movie I’ve ever seen. I’ve only watched this once, but with a few more viewings I think this one is headed for the Top Ten.