I Understand Liberals because they are Cuckoo, Inherently Dishonest, and they Actually hate"Free Speech"... They are for the "Fairness Doctrine" and for the "Free Press Pass to All" Colleges, and get Physically Violent when Conservatives like Ann Coulter. Glenn Beck, or Sarah Palin “DARE” to Open their Mouths in Public and speak out.. What should one expect from liberal ( I mean progressive ) hypocrite’s that fly to diner in private Lets and own 25 mansions with 35 exotic cars in their garages, and yet have the balls to tell me to conserve!.

But I have always been Curious as to why Liberals want people like me Silenced... Probably because they are against other People's Opinions when they are not in lock step with their own..

Personally, I couldn't Care Less what other People say, as long as they are not Directing it DIRECTLY at me... People Talk shit all the time about Conservatives and I simply don't get my Panties in a Bunch over it like the Thin Skinned Libs do. I Honestly Believe that if they were Dictator, they would Silence Voices like mine. But that’s not going to happen.
In the meantime, I will Continue to Voice my Opinions, and Share my Observations on Obama’s, and Algore’s and Nancy Polarizing Pelosi’s Marxist ways. And the Internet is my best place to do so… And if you don’t like it, you know exactly whey you can stick your head!
As for Obama, and his Socialist regime. I will Continue to Illustrate why they are bad for America in every way, shape and form. I have Absolutely NO Plans to Share my wealth or anything else anything with anybody because they want me too. ... Barry and the other Race Pimps...can say whatever they want to twist who ever’s arm they want too and pay off anyone they want too, but I’m not convinced in the least.

But I will put him in the Guilty of wanting to bring down America Category... Because he is.
Sue me…
Thank you for your Time.