Arrogant Bastard Eric Holder

Are you as sick and tired of these ARROGANT windbags such as Eric Holder (who called Americans "cowards"

The Eric Holder who is a Radical Liberal Progressive Arrogant Bastard, the Eric Holderwho is incompetent, self absorbed, self centered, racist and as EVIL and as UNCARING for those who perished on September the 11th as O'Dumbo is. Who should have NEVER been appointed but we all know that this President lacks good judgment and common sense. And should never have been appointed. And he never would have been if he wasn't black and an Islamic sympathizer!
His arrogant statement made yesterday was a bad as anyone could imagine, saying:
"No final decision has been made about the forum in which Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-defendants will be tried, New York is not off the table as a place where they might be tried."

This piece of crap has already proven that he is an Al-Qaeda sympathizer and an enemy of all clear thinking Americans. He needs to get the heck out of D.C. and be replaced by an Attorney General with a sentient brain and a sense of survival against the Islamic terrorism threat we face today. These terrorists are NOT citizens of the USA! They have NO legal rights in this country
Yes, this is what the arrogant Marxist Obama had the audacity to appoint this loser, this enemy of America. This piece of garbage who was appointed by the Great Community Organizer. And both Obama and Holder are inept when it comes to Keeping Americans Safe.........PERIOD.His radicalism dates back to his releasing of the the FALN an acronym for Armed Forces of National Liberation) who had been convicted in Chicago and Hartford variously of bank robbery, possession of explosives and participating in a seditious conspiracy. Overall, the two groups had been linked by the FBI to more than 130 bombings, several armed robberies, six slayings and hundreds of injuries.
Eric Holder must be fired. He botched the underwear bomber case by Mirandizing him. It is obvious this man is incompetent for the job of Attorney General and is in way over his head.
Where did we get these clowns? How did they get appointed to the positions they hold in this circus? Oh by the way - did you know that Holder didn’t even discuss this with Ray Kelly, the NY Police Commissioner prior to making this insane decision!

There is something that I learned in the Marine Corps that there are two forms of leadership:
1. Persuasive ..

But you occasionally run in to a third form, incompetence.
Neither Obama or Holder are the Leaders America needs. Neither of these men are leaders.
Both are gutless, pricks who do not represent the peoples wishes, needs or wants. And who are addicted to power. In my mind, Eric Holder is like his Boss Barack Obama, an enemy of America and a friend of radical Islam.