About two hours before reporters were supposed to be in position to leave with the president, Obama left the grounds of the White House. Members of the press were told he was attending one of his daughter's soccer games in northwest Washington, D.C. But just one minute! The last soccer game played at Sidwell was back in November & there are none scheduled for the rest of the year! Could it be that BHO slipped out to score drugs?
President Zippo left the White House at approximately 9:20 to attend the soccer games at 40th and Chesapeake NW. A pool was hastily called at around 9:35 and drove north at 9:43 to catch the president before the game ended. We didn't make it. The President returned to the White House at 10:17. The pool returned at 10:30. We now return you to your regularly scheduled pool call time.
Seems simple enough. But the story has several problems. The first one is a biggie in that there were no scheduled soccer games for Sidwell Friends April 10th.
Another problem is that when the press pool got close to the reported location, they were told that Obama was leaving and to turn around. The press pool complied, but why? Wouldn't they have wanted a photo of him, even leaving the event, to formally document his whereabouts? What's also suspect is the very casual, nothing-to-see-here tone of the Time article.
Something is most definitely wrong. The President of the United States venturing out to a soccer game that didn't exist in a high-crime area. The Politico is also reporting that Obama acknowledged the problem with his actions
What's more concerning is that no one can confirm if the Secret Service even accompanied Obama on his adventure. Furthermore, let's look at the elapsed time. If the president left the White House at 9:20AM as reported, according to Mapquest, it takes about sixteen minutes to get from the White House to 40th and Chesapeake NW, bringing his arrival time to the field at 9:36AM or so. But then he would have had to leave the field at the latest at 10:00AM to return to the White House at the documented time of 10:17AM. So he spent about twenty minutes at the game? When did the game end? That time is vague as well.
With all of the technology that people have -- iPhones, Blackberries -- not one person took a photo of Obama? And the press didn't get a shot of him getting into his vehicle? Obama loves the cameras, and this is what he looks like at his daughter's soccer game.
Maybe he went to meet his pusher? George Soros? Vladimir Putin? Bill Ayers? The one thing I know for sure is that the MSM isn't going to tell us a thing. Does anyone know where Monica Lewinsky was that day? So many possibilities!! Maybe he went to have a few beers with Tiger Woods? Or maybe he had a rendezvous with Oprah Winfrey or Barbara Walters? I checked with the local Berger King and they didn’t see him that day. And neither did the local Kentucky Fried Chicken. Let’s see, he ditches the press lackeys and Lady M, and goes away for about 41 minutes. No soccer game is scheduled, the field is abandoned, the press is told to turn around. Sounds like he had to meet his connection alright. Could there be another Deep Throat, naw Monica Lewinsky told me that she don’t do that anymore.
Even three days later, there are still no pictures of the president from Saturday's game.
Just another mystery to add to the long list of mysteries, lies and smoke screens surrounding our president.