Liberals, leftists, and hippies that support this socialist empty suit Barack Hussein Obama Hate American power, they hate success, they hate wealth, they hate expansion, they hate urban sprawl and development, they hate work and would rather be lazy, they hate acquisition, they hate bravado, they hate daring to dream big, and most of all they hate American symbols. Just as readily as they are willing to burn Old Glory, the flag of the United States, they are happy to see our symbols tarnished. Because at the core of every liberal is an iconoclast.
Some smarmy liberal buggars, right after 9/11, mocked our American tragedy even before the blood and dust had been cleaned off of Church Street. Some college professors at the nation’s “prestigious” universities like UC Berkeley and even Columbia called the attacks justice, America’s come-uppins for our power abroad. The World Trade Center housed the financial workers who exploited the world and pushed American imperialism, they said.
A few hateful eggheads, safe in their ivory towers, even brought psychoanalytical babble and drivel into the mix. The Twin Towers, said they, were America’s phallic symbols, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks were a symbolic castration of American manhood and power. Luce Irigaray was one who said this, with the essay “9/11: The Emasculation of Our Culture.”
A tragedy of incredible proportion brought down to a few smarmy comments by liberal idiot traitors. Always mocking, but never doing anything. Our pain and tears were laughable to them, as they quietly celebrated and rejoiced for this punch in the nose against “American arrogance.” And if we brought up 9/11 in our speeches or reasons for wanting justice, the liberals called us “flag wavers” who “hide” behind the flag.
Today I can see that big hollow empty space, that tooth-gap in the skyline where two fantastic skyscrapers once stood. I wonder how the liberals feel seeing that from their condos in SoHo. In the spirit of patriotism that lasted for a few months after 9/11, liberals would throw around expressions of condolence and solidarity, “we’re all in this together,” as if they really cared. They might talk about a friend or cousin who died that day so they could share in the feeling of being victimized that liberals enjoy so much. And as the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq moved forward, the scum hippie protestors would say little disclaimers and qualifiers with their hate speech, such as “we support the troops but not the war,” as if that made a damned difference. And some colluded with our enemies, as Cindy Sheehan went on a photo-op vacation to see Hugo Chavez that the liberal media shoved in our face.
Have I explained this clearly enough?
Liberals DO love the 9/11 terrorist attacks, even if they don’t acknowledge that to themselves. Great symbols of American power were hacked away and erased from this great City, this great Nation, and liberals felt a misguided and sick sense of justice when that happened.
Now, instead of rebuilding like we should, the plans are to build a massive useless memorial park and a new single tower, the Freedom Tower, rising a needlessly symbolic 1776 feet. Well, I don’t like it, and I don’t buy into it. The World Trade Center meant something more than a park or memorial; it was a living, working tribute to American energy, drive, and ambition. I don’t want to see a big park with trees and grass and plaques and benches for bums to sleep on.
The new site will be a tribute to liberal thinking, when all I’d prefer to see is the Twin Towers rebuilt “to a tee.” THAT would be a statement worth making: that we will heal then rebuild as many times as it takes because you will never get us down, and we will mess you up if you come after us and then we will come back stronger than before. We are New Yorkers and we are Americans, and if you don’t like us you can go fuck yourself.
Liberal traitors can all go to Hell.