Before all of you get up in arms and start bashing me which you will and that is okay. Let me say that I think it's time for Conservatives to be proud of themselves. Let's not get all upset from these people calling us names for being true to our convictions.
There are White's, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans. Many pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You Call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey', White Shit' , 'Whitey,' 'Caveman' ... And that's OK. But when I call you, Liberal Moonbats...You call me a racist.
Why are we too scared so say. We have elected a "BLACK" president? So, no, I don't want to hear one more person say Republicans/Conservatives are RACIST!
And that we owe blacks for something that your or my ancestors were never part of. Also, why do we have to pay to help Mexican immigrants in our country "get started"? My ancestors didn't get shit from the government when they got here, but they give Mexicans every break in the books.. My ancestors a long time ago were probably enslaved by other Europeans, but I'm not angry.
There are many Black conservatives that are really taking heat for their involvement in the Tea Party movement, and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first Black President, the one that "Made History"
They've been called Oreo's, Traitors, Aunt Jemima's, and Uncle Toms, and are having to defend their values. Yes, Racism and Bigotry is alive and well has a comfortable home in the Democratic party. How freaking sad! Like the false reports of Tea Partier's spitting on Black Congressmen and calling him the "N" word. How sad it is that they call us Republicans racist's...
I would like to point out that reports by U.S. Reps. John Lewis, and Barney Frank, that Tea Party people shouted racial and anti-gay slurs at them are UNCORROBORATED and they are going to remain uncorroborated because IT DID NOT HAPPEN. Lewis and Frank lied, they know they lied, and the media knows they lied. If there was any evidence to support their claim, say a witness or some video/audio, it would be all over the liberal media. Anybody seen it?
Are the Tea Partier's all of a sudden going to break out the white robes and nooses? Is that what they really think. Sadly, Democrats have managed to trick a lot of black Americans into believing that the GOP is a racist party. But, in truth, the Democratic Party was, is, and will likely continue to be the home of far more racists than the GOP.
Meanwhile, what do we see from Democrats? We see Oreo cookies being thrown at Maryland's black U.S. Senate candidate Michael Steele and black Republicans like Colin Powell being called "Uncle Toms" and Condi Rice compared to "Aunt Jemima."
Who was the first and only black American currently on the Supreme Court? Clarence Thomas. And who was the first black Secretary of State? Colin Powell. And the first black woman to be a Secretary of State? Condi Rice.
Why do people not remember that it was a Republican President who ended slavery and it was under Democratic leadership that the dogs were let loose and fire hoses were turned on to marchers for freedom.
I have attended Tea Party gatherings in my state New York and I was very proud to find that there were people of all three races there, as well as many ethnicities. There were no problems, I saw no racism, I saw no idiots, I saw no one who needed to be arrested. They were merely people coming together to address issues they have in common. I for one, salute anyone brave enough to go to a Tea Party regardless of race.
Lets take a quick look at Mr. Al Sharpton who walks around and casts himself as a moral arbiter qualified to pass judgment on the words and actions of Don Imus who uttered some stupid remarks that are no more offensive than a thousand other things he has said during his long radio career. Sharpton contends that Imus no longer has a moral right to hold a job in the industry where he has worked for more than four decades. Yet Sharpton and done more damage to the White and Jewish people than anyone else I can think of, other than Louis Farrakhan.
Personally I've yet to meet a fair minded liberal. One with whom you could have a two sided conversation. Well, I should not have said "any" as I have met a few and there are a few that participate right here on this very blog.