The Tea Party Movement, Obama, Clinton and the Left!

To hear the media tell it, the Tea Party movement is one of the most mysterious forces ever to surface in national life. Thank you for once again misrepresenting what the Tea party movement in America stands for. You make your fellow socialist Obamabots proud with these malicious threads about a truly patriotic movement occurring in this country. Keep up the good work
First, they were described as an ignorant bunch of rabble raisers , as the Washington Post and other leftist rags had pegged them. Then polls showed that their rabble that was better off and better informed than most of the public in general.
I know how the left constantly likes to talk and tell all those *Bull-Shit* stories about how much more "educated" and "enlightened" human beings they are than the rest of us. How they are the party of the Intelegenty As they like to say, and to tell us that "we should be MORE INFORMED, MORE EDUCATED, the way they are! According to the libiots, the Tea Party people are all rednecks and trailer trash who could barely make it through high school. This is of course false, but they continue to smear entire groups of people on a regular basis. Catholics, Jews, conservatives, whites, blacks, and Asians, all are folks like you and I. Defenders of the right to bear arms, defenders of the right to speak out, defenders of the unborn, and defenders of freedom, etc.
I have never seen anyone at a Tea Party pushing or shoving anyone or cursing or spitting or saying any racist remarks. Never! .
The libs love to generalize us as the less educated and the ignorant sheep who "cling to their guns and their religion." The liberal politicians use their generalizations as a defense mechanism against the true claims that they are tone-deaf to the will of the American people. They think that they were elected to office for life and to gain whatever they can along the way.