To hear the media tell it, the Tea Party movement is one of the most mysterious forces ever to surface in national life. Thank you for once again misrepresenting what the Tea party movement in America stands for. You make your fellow socialist Obamabots proud with these malicious threads about a truly patriotic movement occurring in this country. Keep up the good work
First, they were described as an ignorant bunch of rabble raisers , as the Washington Post and other leftist rags had pegged them. Then polls showed that their rabble that was better off and better informed than most of the public in general.
I know how the left constantly likes to talk and tell all those *Bull-Shit* stories about how much more "educated" and "enlightened" human beings they are than the rest of us. How they are the party of the Intelegenty As they like to say, and to tell us that "we should be MORE INFORMED, MORE EDUCATED, the way they are! According to the libiots, the Tea Party people are all rednecks and trailer trash who could barely make it through high school. This is of course false, but they continue to smear entire groups of people on a regular basis. Catholics, Jews, conservatives, whites, blacks, and Asians, all are folks like you and I. Defenders of the right to bear arms, defenders of the right to speak out, defenders of the unborn, and defenders of freedom, etc.
I have never seen anyone at a Tea Party pushing or shoving anyone or cursing or spitting or saying any racist remarks. Never! .
The libs love to generalize us as the less educated and the ignorant sheep who "cling to their guns and their religion." The liberal politicians use their generalizations as a defense mechanism against the true claims that they are tone-deaf to the will of the American people. They think that they were elected to office for life and to gain whatever they can along the way.
If you attend any Tea Party rallies as I have, you will almost certainly hear people talking and see more signs directed at issues of liberty ("Don't Tread on Me"), opposition to socialism ("Socialism is not Freedom"), demands for our government to adhere to the principles embodied in the US Constitution, and not stepping all over it as we see today.
You will hear quotes from the Declaration of Independence, you will hear all the people asking and demanding to cut the size of government, you will see defenders of property rights, and opposition to entitlement programs, the end to free-loading, protests over the nationalization of industries, anger over earmark and underhanded tactics like bribes and arm-twisting use to pass unpopular legislation, and you will see the people state their disgust with the lack of the personal character of our elected representatives!
Did everyone get the chance to hear BJ Clinton's words of wisdom concerning the Tea Party movement? BJ warned that the anti-government “Right wing fringe” could provoke the kind of political extremism that brought on the Oklahoma City bombing. Yes my good friends, he had the balls to compare US to “Domestic Terrorists!” This man is a blithering idiot.
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno are 100% responsible for burning to death 74 men, women and children at Waco on April 19, 1993. Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma federal building to prove that the federal government could not massacre U.S. citizens without repercussions. Like all lying liberal politicians, Bill Clinton is trying to rewrite history and blame someone else, so Clinton blames the conservative TEA Party. Bill Clinton must accept his own responsibility for his tyrannical massacre of the Waco civilians and for the citizen's retribution in Oklahoma. Liberalism is the lie that government can buy votes by giving massive welfare benefits to people that do not work for it. When the government goes broke and the lie is exposed, then liberals and socialists hide their lies by suppressing dissent and becoming tyrants. Clinton is worried about extremism? Who could be more extreme than Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
Bill Clinton should keep his big mouth shut. He brought disgrace upon himself and the White House with the Whitewater Scandal and his affairs. It was under his administration that the World Trade Center was first hit by the Terrorist Arabs. Clinton's Administration did nothing to improve National Security not before then and not after ten either. . In fact he was handed Bin Laden on a silver platter but did not grab him. Most of what George Bush had endured was due to a horribly lax Clinton Presidency. I don't understand how this former President turned Celebrity still has so many people listening to him. Let’s not forget his wife is current Sec. of State with Janet Napaolitano who ran AZ into bankruptcy is Director of Homeland Security. The Clinton-Obama Administration was a National tragedy and hopefully it will be put to an end in 2012 before more damage is done.
Isn't this the same "President" that said: "I did not have sex with that woman." as he wagged his damn finger around for effect?
Apparently if it has breath, he screws it....because as we all know,
It ain’t sex if it’s oral sex! It ain't immoral if its only oral.
What a slimeball this “EX-President” is... the ultimate slob.
And now we see them inventing stories like calling John Lewis the "N" word, and spitting on them. WHERE'S the PROOF? They are real racists the real racebaiters in this country.
When Obama undermines Israel's security, he undermines our own.
Where's the outrage over these last few terrorist acts that we have been able to about like the Christmas Bomber and the Fort Hood Terrorist! And THREATS TO NATIONAL there no response by the left winger Tea Party bashers about that has there? Because the Tea Party basher are nothing more than a bunch of partisan hypocrites?
Barack Obama and his cronies like Hillary Clinton and Heckel and Jeckel Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the Morons on the Late night TV shows has done us the great service of making the choice between freedom and totalitarianism crystal clear for a large segment of the American population. THIS is the real meaning of the Tea Party movement and to make the public understand its purpose, its goals, and the ultimate power that we have, and which will become first evident this November, regardless of how many of these losers decide to close their eyes and their minds by sticking their heads into the sand.
And don’t forget; The illegal free-loaders must never be allowed to become citizens because they forfeited that privilege when they sneaked into the country
You will hear quotes from the Declaration of Independence, you will hear all the people asking and demanding to cut the size of government, you will see defenders of property rights, and opposition to entitlement programs, the end to free-loading, protests over the nationalization of industries, anger over earmark and underhanded tactics like bribes and arm-twisting use to pass unpopular legislation, and you will see the people state their disgust with the lack of the personal character of our elected representatives!
Did everyone get the chance to hear BJ Clinton's words of wisdom concerning the Tea Party movement? BJ warned that the anti-government “Right wing fringe” could provoke the kind of political extremism that brought on the Oklahoma City bombing. Yes my good friends, he had the balls to compare US to “Domestic Terrorists!” This man is a blithering idiot.
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno are 100% responsible for burning to death 74 men, women and children at Waco on April 19, 1993. Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma federal building to prove that the federal government could not massacre U.S. citizens without repercussions. Like all lying liberal politicians, Bill Clinton is trying to rewrite history and blame someone else, so Clinton blames the conservative TEA Party. Bill Clinton must accept his own responsibility for his tyrannical massacre of the Waco civilians and for the citizen's retribution in Oklahoma. Liberalism is the lie that government can buy votes by giving massive welfare benefits to people that do not work for it. When the government goes broke and the lie is exposed, then liberals and socialists hide their lies by suppressing dissent and becoming tyrants. Clinton is worried about extremism? Who could be more extreme than Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
Bill Clinton should keep his big mouth shut. He brought disgrace upon himself and the White House with the Whitewater Scandal and his affairs. It was under his administration that the World Trade Center was first hit by the Terrorist Arabs. Clinton's Administration did nothing to improve National Security not before then and not after ten either. . In fact he was handed Bin Laden on a silver platter but did not grab him. Most of what George Bush had endured was due to a horribly lax Clinton Presidency. I don't understand how this former President turned Celebrity still has so many people listening to him. Let’s not forget his wife is current Sec. of State with Janet Napaolitano who ran AZ into bankruptcy is Director of Homeland Security. The Clinton-Obama Administration was a National tragedy and hopefully it will be put to an end in 2012 before more damage is done.
Isn't this the same "President" that said: "I did not have sex with that woman." as he wagged his damn finger around for effect?
Apparently if it has breath, he screws it....because as we all know,
It ain’t sex if it’s oral sex! It ain't immoral if its only oral.
What a slimeball this “EX-President” is... the ultimate slob.
It must really suck to be a left wing loon...they always end up on the wrong side of everything. I think that's why they are always pissed off and so pessimistic.
The people called Palestinians are a cesspool of terrorists, and yet our Dear leader chooses to protect their rights over the people of Israel. But Israel will do what has to be done without any support from Obama. Once again AmeriKa under Barack Obama kicks another former ally in the teeth.When Obama undermines Israel's security, he undermines our own.
Where's the outrage over these last few terrorist acts that we have been able to about like the Christmas Bomber and the Fort Hood Terrorist! And THREATS TO NATIONAL there no response by the left winger Tea Party bashers about that has there? Because the Tea Party basher are nothing more than a bunch of partisan hypocrites?
Barack Obama and his cronies like Hillary Clinton and Heckel and Jeckel Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the Morons on the Late night TV shows has done us the great service of making the choice between freedom and totalitarianism crystal clear for a large segment of the American population. THIS is the real meaning of the Tea Party movement and to make the public understand its purpose, its goals, and the ultimate power that we have, and which will become first evident this November, regardless of how many of these losers decide to close their eyes and their minds by sticking their heads into the sand.
I'll say it again. The Tea Partiers are law abiding, patriotic, God-loving, liberty-loving Americans who still believe that the ballot box is the answer.
I'll guarantee you one thing, the Media will change the minds and their tune about the Tea Parties in November.
I'm really looking forward to November and some roasted lame duck !I'll guarantee you one thing, the Media will change the minds and their tune about the Tea Parties in November.
And don’t forget; The illegal free-loaders must never be allowed to become citizens because they forfeited that privilege when they sneaked into the country