This Is Your President & First Lady of the United States of America!

Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present You With The President & First Lady of the United States of America!
Remember this?
"And by the way, I want to acknowledge our First Lady, Michelle Obama, who this year is creating a national movement to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity and make kids healthier "
So this is the real the fitness-fanatical First Lady that I've been reading so much about!
The pig fest included BBQ Ribs, Collard greens, Baked beans, Corn Pudding, Mac & Cheese and Corn bread
I'll admit that I'm not a nutritionist, but am guessing that meal they just put away was loaded with fat and cholesterol - just the sort of bad-for-you stuff liberals legislate against. And not exactly the kind of crap that you would be recommending to School kids that your are preaching "Obesity" too. And making an issue of healthy eating about.
I'm sure Michelle Obama has good motives, but the issues of weight control and healthy eating can't be one of them!
The Community Organizer in Chief and Michelle Ma Belle seem to enjoying the good life.
I know they are being hypocritical, but I feel they should be free to eat whatever they want. How dare her to tell me or anyone else to control what they eat.
It makes me physically sick to look at them.
Ah! And now for a good smoke!
Michelle-My-Bell's cause d'jour was supposed to be a lesson on "preventing childhood obesity". This meal sounds like it was meant to be a lesson on how to be little fatties!

Sue said...
come on Mal, I don't see a bit of food on the table. Where did you get this notion the president and our lovely first lady ate that food? This is so ridiculous you should be ashamed for even posting it. As for being physically sick looking at this beautiful couple, thats beyond stupid.

Well, oh well, I have never been so insulted in all my life.. Imagine that a liberal calling ME stupid.
Well I guess I'll just have to call in my authorities and give this doubter some evidence of authenticity

Obama and first lady Michelle Obama landed in the Blue Ridge Mountains and made a quick stop at Twelve Bones Smokehouse on the way to their resort. The White House said the first couple ate ribs, mac and cheese, greens, baked beans, corn bread and corn pudding before motorcading to their mountaintop hotel.

Now, I'm waiting for your apology for calling me "Stupid"