Now that health care reform in the shabby disguise of ObamaCare has been crammed through Congress, a peek at the president's precariously stacked dominoes confirms that sooner than you may suppose, there won't be any private companies selling health insurance in America. Consider: There are approximately 1,300 insurance companies in America today. Beginning January 1, 2011, these companies will be required to pay out 85% of all premiums collected as direct medical care, leaving 15% of corporate income to fund operations and yield any potential profit.
And this is much what 0bama told Dennis Kookynich on Air Force One. Actually the profit margin for health insurance companies is near 2.5%. Anyone with any economic sense should realize that the government telling insurance companies both who and how they must insure people and setting prices for payments means that someone could get stuck as costs exceed payments. Who could that be now? Bingo.
I and many others have said it before and I'll say it again, THERE IS NO WAY any company or government plan can cover pre-existing conditions and NOT run huge deficits.
We have a Socialist for a President, and a Congress who won't follow their own Oath to uphold Our Constitution. Obama and his bunch of Commie Cronies are destroying our economy. The only question is "how long do we have before we wake up and do something about it ?