I really think Obama gets a thrill out of hearing us scream NO! The more we scream NO ! The more he comes out with more of these outrageous, "Bills", "Orders", etc.
To tell the world along with our known ENEMY'S that we will not use any Nukes unless they use them first is like the School kid says, "well he hit me first", which is insane. There is no other explanation. Now today we hear that Our Dear Leader has issued another "executive" order. No more using the term Islamic extremist .
"WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's advisers will remove religious terms such as "Islamic extremism" from the central document outlining the U.S. national security strategy and will use the rewritten document to emphasize that the United States does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror."
Washington officials described the changes on condition of anonymity because the document still was being written, and the White House would not discuss it. But rewriting the strategy document will be the latest example of Obama putting his stamp on U.S. foreign policy, like his promises to dismantle nuclear weapons and limit the situations in which they can be used.
It's acts of insanity like the two above that only confirms the fact that Mr. Obama is a traitor to the United States of America and along with the other things that he has done "Health Care" included, is tearing our core values away from us day by day.
This is the same guy who said there will be no more 'War on Terror' discussed in the White House.
This is the same guy who said we must change to wording of September the 11th to "A Day of Service"
Question, was the Christmas Bomber an Islamic extremist?
Were the 9-11 Airplane Creeps Islamic extremist's?
Were the Bastard that Killed all the American Soldiers at Fort Hood an Islamic extremist?
Were the two guys that were planning to blow up the New York subways Islamic extremist's? And were the evil terrorists known as "The Fort Dix 5" intent on blowing up Fort Dix in New Jersey Islamic extremist's?
And how about the plot to blow up JFK airport that the media said “was never in imminent danger because the plot was only in a preliminary phase" should we have waited for them to actually blow it up before we made such an accusation and an indictment?
This is a pattern we have seen over and over and over again. So when are we going to call it like it is! Obama is a Muslim sympathizer, the handwriting on the wall couldn't be any clearer.
All this and when coupled with the administration's idea to conduct civilian trials for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the 9-11 terror plotters, as well as mirandizing Farouk Abdul Mutallab and other enemy combatants as though they had been caught shoplifting from Walmart, it becomes clear that Obama has not dropped the ball in the war on radical Islam, he has bowed to it just as surely as he has bowed to dictators, emperors, and Kings. These people are not the same as the people that work at your local 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts!
So lets call a spade a spade and quit this Political Correctness Shit and Quit Sugar coating Obama.
Listen you Obama apologists assholes, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck you can bet your ass its a duck.
The thin-skinned Kenyan just can't help himself, he's just not presidential, he’s not an America first kind of guy, he is such a disappointment--not to mention--and an embarrassment!
And another thing... I am still amazed at how stupid some people are, Obama’s war against Israel was so obvious when he just as well might have spit in the face of Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu and Hillary Clinton’s 45-minute tirade against Netanyahu, yet the Jewish community still defends Obama saying that they don’t believe ANY of this! This is Incredible!