I Believe The Messiah Is Only Interested In Killing Every Industry He Can Get His Hands On!

Maybe I am not the great Intellect that I thought I was, but that does not stop me from observing the obvious---Obama must be stopped NOW!

When you hear thing like Tea Bagger's are all criminals and Racists, and hateful, and should be arrested for spewing hate.. I ask, show me all the "hate" and "violence" at these rallies. If there where, would you not see footage of "hate and "violence"? You take a look at this and tell me there isn't a double standard!

I can remember it very well, as if it were yesterday, when the left was going after President Bush with everything it had remember "Bush lied and people died?" And they sent in Hillary Clinton to defend their political speeches. She said, "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic." Well I guess that only applies to the left.

The unmitigated gall and arrogance of this President is appalling. Mr. Arrogance scolded the investment sector for contributing to the economic crisis in one breath and asked for its support in the next.
The misinformation and sudden and convenient forgetfulness on this string of mistakes are absolutely astounding.
Fannie and Freddie bought or guaranteed a lot of bad mortgages. They have been losing money on those mortgages. Their losses are guaranteed by the Federal government.
Fear mongering and arrogance are Obama's trademark! He should concentrate on JOBS and leave the money making industries (private sector) alone.

Seated in the front while Obama was speaking were Andrew Cuomo, Governor David Patterson, Al Sharpton and Carolyn B. Maloney.. Yes I said Al Sharpton! What the hell was he doing there except being another member of the cheering squad. Where was Congressman Pete King why wasn’t he invited? Was it because he disagrees with Obama?

We are no longer living in the FREE society founded by those brave fathers of the United States of America. We are living in discreetly disguised Socialist society founded by George Soros and Barack Obama. Obama is tearing down America's industries one by one.

Mr. Obama, you have assumed a dictatorial role in our country, and you have become a third rate dictator, like your pals Hugo Chavez, Castro and the rest.

Barack Hussein Obama, stop tearing down America! You have failed the American people as a leader. You have failed the voters as a President. You have violated your oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, by being yourself, an enemy, both foreign and domestic.

Here's the challenge Pick any part of this blog you like or dislike, and let's discuss it. I am up to any challenge, but unlike most liberals, I promise to discuss it and not to call you any names because of you asinine opinions.