Does anybody live in reality anymore?
If the government really wants to put an end to this CRIMINAL activity all they need to do is enforce the laws already on the books and the problem would be solved.
If you go around the Liberal blogs this week you’ll find them loaded with nonsense about how bad the Gov of Arizona because she wants to enforce the law of the land! Something the Liberals don’t care about until it effects them and their pocket-books. The liberals are idiots when it comes to policy but they're not idiots when it comes to self protection on their incomes and job security.
The liberal's answer to all crime is legalize everything.
The same Liberals who are always fighting for all these phony minority rights wouldn't get caught dead living in the neighborhoods where these Mexicans live. And they would raise hell if one of these Mexican families with 25 people living in one room moved next door to them. They don't own business so they don't have to worry about stealing. These people could lose a loved one due to a DUI accident and still support illegal immigration because they don’t want to violate their “Rights”
When you fly in to this country you have to show your passport and it has to be stamped. Isn't that profiling? Why do they even bother to do that?
When I make a credit card purchase in certain stores, I am asked for my identification, so what’s that called?
So attempting to make an effort to actually stopping illegal activity is ILLEGAL! Only in America!
My advice to Arizona is to give all the ILLEGAL’S one way bus tickets to Chicago or to Washington.
Arizona finally woke up and did a good thing and they no longer want to protect these parasites, so what do the Liberals want to do? They want to “Boycott” the State and everything that the State produces. That’s the typical Liberal answer “BOYCOTT” them! Send in Al Sharpton, sent in Jessie Jackson and the Liberal tree hugging as-holes. This is the conventional Liberal wisdom.
And the White House’s answer to this is laughable, pathetic and totally illogical, and totally predictable. And instead of standing behind Arizona for enforcing the law, Obama is scolding Arizona for being unfair to the drug dealers, welfare grabbers, tax cheats, and oh yes, Democrat voters. Our rule of law has collapsed, our country has turned completely upside down. And the root of this problem in right here in Washington, in our own Congress and sitting at the desk in the Oval Office.
Obama is too busy scolding Goldman Sachs, and the Tea Party movement.. And the “Misguided One” calls the Arizona Governor “misguided”
The drug loving sacks of dog excrement has prevailed.