Every administration has it's nit-pickers. It is what we do because we are free to do it. We Americans agree that we have the right to express ourselves and we do. I am thankful for that right. I wish everyone had it!
However, with that being said, I'm angry because My own Country finds me to be an enemy of the Country. I am angry because of September the 11th.
Many died that day in a horrible way all from different backgrounds and faiths. They did nothing, but just go to work like any other day. Then to watch the Muslims in this country dancing in the streets. And if that wasn't enough, Obama changed the name of September the 11th to "A day of service"
I and many other of my fellow Americans are angry at the present administration because of the sheer hypocrisy of it. A majority of Americans think all politicians are crooks, I know it really I do, and many of you have the same opinion. But the real problem in my eyes is that so many Americans Black and White alike thought that Barack Obama was somehow different. That he was honest and would bring honesty and integrity back to the an unpopular government. They bought the “Hope and Change” act. Sure I’m aware that George Bush was a very unpopular President and that the people were looking for a change in the direction that he was leading us. The war was unpopular as well as the name George Bush. I believe that anyone that ran on the Democratic ticket would have won the election because of the above.
So in come this “Cool” dude from Chicago, without an ounce of experience and with everything negative on his resume. His relationship with Reverend Wright, with Bill Ayers, with the the hard left, and perhaps the worse voting record in history. As well as his background with a list of radicals as long as my arm. And lets not forget the fact that he was to be the first Black President! Yes, he was bound to make history. And make history he did.
He refused to release his birth certificate and a list of other documents that would ordinarily be available for public perusal.
So he was elected, he started with a boom, he has a racist Reverend deliver the inauguration sermon. Remember it? Remember the highlight of Barack Obama's inauguration? It was hands down, indisputable the most racist sermon ever. How can we forget Rev. Lowrey's poem: Where Yellow is mellow and Brown stays around, where red gets ahead, and white gets it right and so on...
And can we forget his cabinet and advisers that included tax cheats crooks and communists, and others who have been an on-going succession of embarrassments. His science advisor went on record suggesting we shoot stuff into the atmosphere to stop global warming.
And still they believed him. And whenever anyone disputed anything he did, or when someone brought to light some crooked or dishonest or unethical thing he did, it was dismissed as being racist. Criticize Obama = Racist!
But no, I did not vote for the man who has essentially threw Poland, Tibet, and Israel under the bus while opening the door to Cuba. His globe-trotting rapidly became known as “The Apology Tour.” Where he bowed to every King, and Dictator he met.
But now, Obama's true color is finally coming out, and more and more people are realizing that he's just like every other politician, in that he's as crooked and hypocritical as everyone else, except he even brought more to the office of the Presidency, he brought us Socialism. He brought us Government control of Chrysler and General Motors and Citicorp as well as a dozen or more banks. He denounced “hedge funds” and stock brokers, who act as the fiduciaries for pensioners, teacher’s credit unions, personal retiree accounts, that went belly-up. . And then came the best of all! Health-Care, Ah Yes, the arm twisting the 25-50 speeches, the meetings behind closed doors the bribes the deals with the Unions.
Our Country is financially and irreparably broke, bankrupt, and we, and our children, and our future grandchildren, are all drowning or going to be drowning in this black sink hole that "our" representatives and senators have dug for us. So why shouldn't I be angry?
Now before you say that this is a mad and angry rant. Let me remind you about the Air Force One to buzz over New York City, accompanied by a fighter jet, neglectful of the panic that would ensue among people who had a sudden frightening flashback to 9/11, for a Photo Op. And the dinner’s in Paris and bringing in a Chef to make Pizza’s for God knows how many guests. And some pretty other dumb things much to numerous to mention.
But I’m really angry because the economy is in such a mess. So many people have been laid off, and incomes are slack and not keeping up with living expenses. Of course the war still goes on and on although he told us that he was going to end it. As he told us he was going to close Gitmo. Surprise, when he said change he meant it.
But more than anger is fear. Fear that he - and the Dems, of course - is turning the US into a socialist state on the European model which is going to be disastrous for not only us, but the world. And now that we have gotten together and formed these “Tea-Parties” and protest in a peaceful manner, we called “racist’s” we are called loud and noisy and that we spit on people and call them the “N” word. And calling us “losers" . We are not the losers, every American is.
Yes people like you and me who have obeyed the laws of this land since birth, who have folks that served and spilled blood on foreign soil. Who have sacrificed years of our lives to serve and defend America. Who’s relatives came here and became citizens the legal way. Who pay our taxes and work hard for our money that he want’s us to share.
Yep, I’, angry, angry as hell. Team Obama is stealing what is left of American from right under our eyes and blaming us.
You and I have to scrimp and do without to save for that vacation trip we haven’t had in a long time . But Ms. Pelosi and her crowd spend a week in Rome. Michelle, and Oprah along with Michelle’s Mom and the girls stay over in Paris and London in their own 737 sightseeing and shopping for the latest fashions. A congressional tour group decides to go to the South Pole to observe global warming first hand. On the way, they stop in and snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Of course, the wives go along. Fearful that this perk cannot be fully exploited. A team of 100's go to Copenhagen and again the bring Michelle, and Oprah along to win the Olympics. And now Congress wants to order more luxury jets for their vacation trips. Are you angry yet?
Well maybe if I told you that Janet Napolitano of Homeland Security warned that rightwing extremism is expected to escalate, you might get a bit angry.
Do you qualify as an “extreme rightwing radical DOMESTIC TERRORIST?