A recent comment from Hank Johnson the distinguished Democratic Congressman from the Great State of Georgia, home of the former the distinguished Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Has many people, including members of his own party if he's misguided, if he miss spoke, or perhaps if he has been smoking to many “Green” tea plants. Or is he just a bit week in the subject of geography. Or just a very gifted comedian such as David Letterman. . At a recent meeting of the Armed Services Committee, of which the distinguished Democratic Congressman is a member, the esteemed Congressman had an interesting discussion with Robert Willard, commander of the United States Pacific fleet. The topic: The Island of Guam. Specifically, how an influx of too many Marines and their families may cause the tiny island to "tip over and capsize."
I think that Our Dear Leader, Barack Obambi should sign a Presidential Executive Order stating that there should be a requirement that Politicians must have an IQ higher than a the size of their waist-line to speak and/or to vote on a bill. But of course that would rule out all Liberals. I think it's safe to say the left has plenty of airheads in office at the current time.