Are you tired of asinine liberal socialists in are country? Your not the only one, you are not alone.
The Socialist otherwise know as douchebag’s are still alive and well in America. They creep among us in a creepy glaringly way with their hand held out and poor sense of style and over-inflated sense of givemeism.
All Americans have issues, all of us have our own problems, be it money, family, health, work issues or whatever. But we don’t look for Uncle Sam to bail us out or to Comrade Obama for hand-outs. We do it the American way, we roll up our sleeves and work a bit harder.
In one year he has almost totally destroyed our country with his socialist agendas, and it has to stop now!
The American people in their unimaginable kindness, need for change and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They would have voted for Jerry Springer if he were black and promised “Hope and Change” But the liberals just ate up everything Obama promised, and that wasn’t any surprise at all. You Liberals all use Koolaide to gargle with in the morning. And what’s with the blacks voting in a 96 percent block for this “lame brain” “Pig in a Poke” aka loser and they call us Conservatives “Racist’s”! If’s that’s not a joke I don’t know what else is.
I love this country. But, I love the principles it was founded on more. Those principles have been betrayed. I honestly can’t imagine what would restore my faith in our government. Mister HopeyChangy is a disaster and we must Hope for a quick Change before it’s too late.
On another note: I got a laugh out of Obama’s answer to Sarah Palin’s speech yesterday... When he said “ She is not an expert on nuclear issues” And of course a Marxist street agitator IS an Nuclear expert.. LMAO..