The White House on Monday denied Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl’s claim that President Barack Obama told him privately that he would not work to secure the border unless it was part of a comprehensive immigration reform package.
In a video that is circulating among blogs, and over the weekend, and now is all over the news, and the headlines of many of the newspapers. Sen. Jon Kyl’s is seen and heard on video telling supporters in Phoenix that in a private meeting in the Oval Office, Obama said “the problem” with border enforcement measures is that “if we secure the border then [Republicans] won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”
Welcome to Obama's White House!So let me see if I have this right, if this is true, and by the sound of things that we are hearing it very well may be, the administration could care less about closing the border as long as they get their way.. Obumie wants as many illegal’s as possible to be made legal so they can vote for Democrats. This is an old Clinton trick that is now being brought into play by the Socialist in Chief. Friends, we are in more serious trouble than I first thought. This ignoramus has really crossed the line this time.. This is another bribery attempt?
I think that I'm going to have to go with Senator Kyle on this one.