What The Hell Is Going On Here? ~ What Has Happened to Common Sense?

Did You Plug Up The Freaken Hole Yet Daddy?

Oh yeah, out of the mouths of Babes! It’s been over 60 days now since we’ve been watching the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and the problems it’s cause us all.
The other night we saw the biggest MORON to ever infest the Oval Office tell us how he is not going to rest until this matter is resolved! This kind of reminds me of OJ. Simpson not resting until he find the “Real” murderer of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and playing golf every day while he looks.
The insanity of it all, who the hell cares about the threats, the "Kicking Ass" and the bullshit we are hearing now at all of these "Congressional Hearings, these Committees, and these phony trips to the gulf to see Our Dear Leader eating his way through Louisiana, (my home State) Can the lies and the bull-shit, and the finger pointing get any frikkin’ thicker than this?
Malia Asked "Did you Plug The Hole Yet, Daddy?" I think that she was referring to the Pie Hole otherwise know as his mouth!
Who the heck’s out at sea working on Plugging Up the Hole?, and who the heck is running this operation? Certainly not The One standing in front of the teleprompters, tell us all that crap-ola to promote his next agenda Cap and Trade!
So Comrade Obama is going to put a moratorium on ALL off shore drilling now. And he's also going to be the cause of the elimination of 50,000 jobs. And send the Oil companies off to other countries. That's what I'd call "Change".
Tis is the work of a hot tempered, spoiled, arrogant Marxist who has one thing in mind and that is to bring the economy of this country into hell.
My biggest concern is the idiotic mentality of the average American voter. What is it going to take to knock some sense into their thick stupid skulls?
When is bowing to Muslims and Communist dictators, date nights, playing golf, midnight basketball, parties in the White House, old has-been liberal entertainers serenading Michele ma belle, raising money, destroying the economic structure of this country, and getting American Soldiers killed, going to show these "Progressives" that enough is enough and send this bunch of amateur Socialist back to where they came from, and out of our lives!
"Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?"
Have we forgotten that the oil is still spilling as Our Dear Leader waves his fist? And that 1,000's of people are out of work and the fishing industry of Louisiana is as dead as all those sea creatures! The restaurants and the hotels are empty, the tourism industry is also dead.

But Obama is out there still threatening to "Kick Ass" as he enjoys another round of golf.
Some one should ask Obama "Why do you lie so much"?
I really think that Joe Barton was right, it was a shakedown. Once again Obi has circumvented the law.