Obama Demands An Escrow Account From BP

What a farce. The CEO already agreed to the Escrow Account before the meeting! So this was nothing but another Photo-Op.

That was one of the most entertaining White House Meetings I've ever heard of. It even beat the Beer Submit .
Obama's still running off at the mouth, ...and the oil is still pumping into the gulf.
CONGRATULATIONS, Obama. You have succeeded at, placing the blame on anyone but yourself, bashing a company that is clearly doing everything humanly possible to fix this problem, pretending as if you are actually taking action when all you are really doing is telling people what to do, like they aren’t already doing their best.. if you really wanted to help, you would be out there contributing a little of your time and resources rather than just telling someone else what to do, talk about a passive.. or rather lazy and indifferent approach. and lastly, Obama still doesn’t get it. In the United States, the Judicial Branch determines one’s guilt or innocence. In dictatorship, the dictator decides. Which is it?

I agree that if BP is guilty, they should pay their fair share of fines. Obama is all Bull-Shit and no Action. He has failed to provide skimmers, booms, sand birms to clean up the oil and prevent damage to the coast. Instead of taking action and showing leadership to clean the oil, the Obama Liar, incompetent, and whiner is just blaming BP. Obama needs to quit talking and do something constructive. I don;t blame him for the spill, I blame him for the slow response on the cleanup and a failure to allow people with more experience to help in the clean up. Even the whole MSNBC crowd including "Tingle up my leg" Chris Mathews is singing a different tune today and virtually trashed him. But the die-hard libs will drink the koolaide until he is thrown out of our White House on his ass, along with Michele ma belle. Finally, people are starting to realize what a moron we have as president. It's easy to see that many Americans are clueless as it gets, but even they are starting to see what a disaster Obama is and will continue to be. Wake up people! Nice try Obama, but your making things worse. The demand from BP was really laughable, But then again Obama demanding anything is a laugh..Now is a little late to say I WANNA KICK SOME ASS over this. Several Nations tried to offer their services and he turned them down. What freaken clown! Obama's presidency has been a failure all along.. The only thing that could save his ass now would be a concert from Barbra Streisand.