Illegal Immigrants and the Arizona Law

As usual Barack Obama speaks with forked tongue. While he denounces the new Arizona immigration law, which makes it a misdemeanor if you are ILLEGAL and are caught, he is proposing a national ID card that will force everyone in the US, whether legal or not, even citizens, to show the card whenever you switch jobs or obtain a new one. If you do not have it, you cannot work. If you don’t think that’s worse, the you should get your heard examined! The good people and the courageous Governor of Arizona took the bold and gutsy move to at least make an effort to stop ILLEGAL immigrants from invading their state and stealing their jobs. Racial Profiling, my foot! It's not racial profiling, its CRIMINAL profiling, plain and simple. I salute the citizens of this great state of America and I hope the rest of the country takes the lead from them. This is nothing new, it just enforcing the laws that are already on their books. Arizona is just asking for current existing laws to be enforced. One has to only wonder if Obama ever even read the law! Sometimes I have a hard time remembering when “LAWS” actually meant something? Why don't we treat immigrants like Mexico does, if you are an ILLEGAL in Mexico, God help you! Illegal aliens get welfare, free health-care, and free schooling like everyone else but they don’t pay taxes! All illegal aliens are Criminals just for being here! These "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" are first and foremost -- " ILLEGAL...." what part of that don't these Progressive Idiots understand ? They live off the American Government and that mean you and me, and give back nothing! Well, enough is enough, we must adopt the same Arizona law in every state. I have read the law and the revisions and NOTHING IN THE LAW IS UN-CONSTITUTIONAL. The only thing that is illegal is breaking the law! PERIOD.
Check your local city or town and see how many Illegal aliens get arrested for drunken driving without being licensed and how many of them have killed people by driving while intoxicated.
And if you’ve been watching the news and you’ve seen how the MSM reports this story. You would think that everyone is against Arizona and their "law". The media can't even be honest about something so obvious. They figure if they say that Americans are against this law than everyone will just fall in line and be against it. The usual liberal morons like Katie Couric and Chris Matthews want you to think that the majority of America is against the Arizona law. And that only a "slim majority" was for it!
Obama and his cronies, lackey, flunkies especially that hair-brain Janet Napolitano need to face the facts and stop making Liberal-progressive, Left-wing, excuses for these people. They are called "ILLEGAL" ALIENS for a reason, and they deserve no slack.
Hey Jackass---Since when was 60% a "slim majority"?
And don’t give me that CRAP, that they do the jobs that we "LEGAL AMERICANS" won't do, what a bunch of crap that is...just another excuse for them to sneak over here and ruin our country!
Who is Obama to say that States can not pass laws of their own?
This kind of reform is long overdue. The Mexicans and other Hispanics as well as the Liberal law breaking lovers cry about this being racists and racial profiling which is expected, the reality is that it just happens to Mexicans/Hispanics from Mexico forcing States to take the matter into their own hands because the Federalists lack the will to do it. If anyone is here with a green card, they are legal. If they do not have it, it is illegal. Period. Why is this racial in the least? It applies to a Russian or African and yes to Mexican’s in Arizona without a green card when law enforcement stop them for violations. It just happens that Arizona borders Mexico and it just happens that most of the arrests will happen to be Latino’s! So it’s just tough shit, pal. No tickee, no laundry!
If someone is stopped for a violation, any violation, the police always run a background check on you anyway! They always did and they should.
So in closing, I suggest that all the ILLEGAL’S in Arizona better get out of Arizona, or get LEGAL.

So when the federal government refuses to enforce its own law, and Arizona takes responsibility instead of sitting around and cry and moan waiting for the federal government to do their job. Instead of standing by and watch its citizens be murdered and its taxpayers be drained at their expense, and protect their citizens. What is so wrong with this concept? I cannot, for the life of me, understand why this is such a terrible concept for these Progressive liberal hypocrites.
I’m Malcontent, and I support this Arizona law!

Us LEGAL Citizens of this Country are paying taxes, regardless of our race, color, or sexual orientation, and we should come FIRST before ILLEGAL aliens who are leaving struggling Americans in a tough recession and without jobs and if they are working, they still are finding it hard to foot the bill. ILLEGAL aliens are blatantly disregarding our citizenship laws

While these ILLEGAL’S are sucking the life blood from us hard working Americans.
While our Gulf Coast shores are on the verge of devastation from an oil well accident, that seems to have no end in sight.
While our brave Men and Women in our military is fighting war on two fronts.
Our mentally handicapped representatives in Washington are spending countless hours on issues such as, Changing the name of the Department on the Navy. To the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps. And Changing the names of our Holidays. And making excuses for the enemy.. Bravo.
And as for Mexico’s President Calderon, preaching to Americans, THIS pile of TACO crap should NEVER been allowed to speak in OUR CONGRESS!
The President, Vice President and all others that are responsible for allowing him to speak to Congress and lecture us should be ashamed of themselves!