It’s Always America Fault..

I don't give a flying hoot about world opinion. Ya wanna know why? Because no matter what we do or how much money we send them they will NEVER like us, and the proof of the pudding is with Obama, He has kissed their ass's and has turned his back on our REAL friends and our allies, and they still hate us. We fight their wars, we bail them out, we send them aid, we are the first to go wherever there is a disaster to help, like Haiti, Ethiopia, like the Tsunami in Thailand. We have more American Troops buried on foreign soil than here in America.
Nothing Has Changed, Obama, Bush, or whoever, they still hate America.....
So the hell with world opinion, they will never like the USA...
Many Americans hoped and the Liberals believed that when Bush was replaced by a person whom “YOU” considered to be honorable, credible and civilized, and not the War Monger that you called George Bush then the vicious policies of the Religion of Peace would not only discontinue their war of terror they would become our friends once again. And everything would be a bead of roses.
Look, the Oil spill in it’s self is not Obama’s fault, just as Hurricane Katrina was not George Bush’s fault, no matter how the left tried to pin it on him. However, being president is a lot more than singing with Paul McCartney and expensive date nights with the Missus. If Bush was going to take the heat for Katrina then lets put the blame of the “Handling” of the Oil spill at Obama’s feet. I’m not expecting Obama to, as his Daughter put it, “plug the hole” and I don’t want him “Kicking Ass” either.
But lets not be hypocrites and call the BP CEO Tony Hayward took one day off Yachting Holiday while Our Dear Leader is on the Golf course.
Hate us all you want, but stop taking our money and killing our people.

We have bent over backwards for them, and it is still not enough. It will never be enough!
It’s Always America Fault.. Yes, they kill us and the President of the United States goes and gives a speech! The USA helps everybody all over the freaken world , but they still hate us.
They come to our country, they become free, they get almost everything just about handed to them and still they pay us back with murder, rape and other criminality. I’ve had it with them all so screw them to Hell, I don’t give a flying crap about World Opinion! Foreigners are coming here by the 1,000's committing acts of crime and acts of war against the USA various ways. Be it their cultural, political, educational and financial situations or whatever. Warfare is Warfare, when people get maimed or killed. Not every strike from a terrorist comes from a suicide vest, or a car bomb!
And as for General McChystal saying what he did, although the General spoke out of line, said what had to be said and I just hope this really blows up in Obama’s face. He’s the one that blamed Bush for fighting the wrong war, etc, and he was going to end it and making all kinds of big talk - well now it’s Obamas war and he’s in charge. It is immoral to put our soldiers on a battlefield without clear goal to win!