We all know that Afghanistan became Obama's war the day that he was elected!
No matter what the lame-brain Libs will tell you, at the end of the day this is Obama’s war, not George Bush’s! And presidents don't like to lose wars.. Is Obama biting off more than he can chew! Let’s start with General McChrystal's remarks about President Obama as being "no commander-in-chief" that may have been the wrong thing for him to say to a publication, I’m not going to argue that point.. However, I guess if you are going to open your mouth, at least he spoke the truth. Yes, McCrystal was correct about what he said. But he is not the Commander and chief, and he should not have said what he said. And the bottom line is that it’s us who will suffer from what this president is doing, it is us that will reap the turmoil from this administration for years to come... and it is us that will either lose the war or go home with our tails between our legs the way he's handling it..... And it doesn’t stop there, the oil spill and his lack of attention to the oil spill,.....his massive spending,..... the crap sandwich of that Health Care bill he rammed down our throats....to name just a few... the man makes me physically ill just to look at him, or the hear his voice. America, rise up...and vote out all who hold office now, all of them,...if they are in now ....vote em out! Come November...send them a clear message.....we are mad as hell and we are not going to take this crap anymore! The road to the agenda he wants to take us down, along with his total lack of National or Foreign policy knowledge along with the lack of any experience plus poor judgment makes this man a very bad choice to be the leader of the Free World. And don’t tell me about George Bush anymore, face the facts, and don’t let the facts get in the way of your ignorance. Now, or get out of the way, Liberals, and let those of us who remember what being American means get on with the business of governing her. This Party Time President has to go!
Last week, the Obamas hosted Paul McCartney and a bunch of Hollywood leftists to a gala affair. I’m sure it was a lovely soiree. Now, I’ve never considered liberals to be very smart, but this thing went way beyond dumb!
You tell me at a time when over 10 percent of the country is out of work, and we have the biggest disaster going on at the very same moment all over the Gulf with people losing their livelihood, with hotels, and restaurants empty and with what should be the height of their tourist season, it’s almost at zero instead. With two wars going on and the TOP General being fired, along with the stock market losing over 350 points. Do you think that stupid party of drunken has-been 60's entertains was really necessary? For crying out loud, it’s simple logic. Obama’s nonstop partying and playing golf, while Rome burns has got to stop.
The road to the agenda he wants to take us down, along with the total lack of National or Foreign policy knowledge along with the lack of any experience plus poor judgment makes this man a very bad choice of the leader of the Free World. And don’t tell me about George Bush anymore, face the facts, don’t let the facts get in the way of your ignorance. Now, get out of the way Liberals, and let those of us who remember what being American means. Let us get on with the business of governing her. This Party-Time President has to go!
Lets face it, do you think he cares? Do you think he really gives a crap about his numbers dropping at the polls? I really don’t think that he does care. He only has two more things on his "to do" list to accomplish: Cap and Tax, and Immigration Amnesty. That's it, when he accomplishes that, then he has won, he has won everything George Soros told him to win. And he did the job he was supposed to do, and it’s us, you and me that will be left living in a Socialist society. And the ass-holes that wanted this Hope and Change bullshit deserve it... But you and I don’t . He didn't disappoint me, I knew what this creep was from the very day his mentor Reverend Wright came onto the picture. And he told us about "spreading the wealth around". How did everyone that voted for this ass-hole not see it coming. We knew he was going to try to destroy the America as we know it. Even Joe the Plumber knew it.