The Sestak Job Offer, Lets Go To The Video Tape!

First of all, I'd like to know WHY didn't Obama answer Fox's Major Garrett question at the press conference when he asked it?
Was it because Obama wasn’t ready to talk about the Sestak issue – but he did promise news coming soon. “There will be an official response shortly on the Sestak issue, which I hope will answer your questions,
I guess he had to have lunch first and get all of their stories straight! And this old CRAP that I've been reading on the LIB blogs saying
"everybody does it" don't cut it with me! OR "it happens everyday in politics"? Facts suck don't they!
You would have to be Obama’s BIGGEST SUPPORTER to lie through your Teeth! What a piece of crap. There is no way He or any one else in his administration come clean or will they even come close, nor would Rahm Emanuel throw Obama Under the Bus. So they decided to throw Bill Clinton under instead, after all, his reputation is shit anyway!
Obama, Axelrod and Emanuel can CLAIM innocence all they want to, but if Richard Nixon was dismissed from the Presidency for trying to “cover up” a scandal .... then THIS group of criminals deserves heavy jail time in addition to instant dismissal. Sestak should face some criminal exposure here, too — for the cover-up. This was not a simple case of amnesia. And as for Bubba, Bill Clinton may have a burning desire to stay inside the Oval Office Fruit loop, but I don’t think he would agree to do that at the risk of looking like Rahm Emanuel’s Waterboy or Stooge which is the way the story is unfolding.
This bunch of crooks all think that they are above the law. Well now we have to ask what did Bill Clinton receive in return ? He didn't throw himself under the bus because of his Love for Barack Hussein. Bubba may be a lot of things but he's not a patsy!

I am now ready to predict that Barack Hussein Obama will not even make it to the 2012 election. I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace before the election of 2012.
Pretty soon Malia will be asking "HAVE YOU DESTROYED AMERICA YET, DADDY"?