The Progressives tactics are based on the end justifies the means. They have no qualms about lying, violence etc. The end justifies the means.. Most Americans are honest and want to play by the rules. They think the progressive opposition possess the same principles. That however is not the case, so sometimes Americans are fooled by what progressives present as their case fro their agenda. The rule should be never accept Progressive thoughts for what they say beware of a of the ulterior agenda, there is always is one. And perhaps it even goes deeper than that, the ObamaNazis believe in their "progressive" ideology because it satisfies their innate emotional needs to lie, steal, cheat and act like the spoiled brat finger pointing bed wetting little crybabies we know them to be. They invented the "progressive" ideology not to help people, but to give themselves a rationalization for their own hate-filled ranting and vitriol. That's why this election is so important: so that we, the proud of America and sound of mind GROWNUPS can begin to take back our country from these nutcases.
Former Obama Commie Czar’s, like Van Jones and Anita Dunn, played a key role in aiding the Obama administration in its selection of a Supreme Court nominee. This is a woman who, in speaking to high school students last June, listed one of her two "favorite political philosophers" as Communist Chinese leader Mao Zedong, whose policies are blamed for the deaths of tens of millions of people.
Lest we forget his mentor the Marxist Saul Alinsky who wrote the books outlining his organizational principles and strategies: "Reveille for Radicals" and "Rules for Radicals" and Obama has followed Alinsky's Socialist prescription til this very day!
Nope! Nothing to see here! I'm sure that the media would remain silent had Bush sought Supreme Court vetting help from a person who listed Hitler has one of their top two favorite political philosophers... We no longer have a media; just liberal activist groups.