Liberals Are in Denial

To those with their heads up their butts, one of the first steps in obtaining knowledge is first admitting your stupidity... Look, we warned everyone long before the election that Barry Hussein was a fraud... NOW Barack Hussein Obama is intentionally causing the USA to collapse with a war on capitalism by skirting around the constitution by creating many czars, using the Marxist strategy, enforcing his kind of social justice, and wealth redistribution which will eventually create a government who will control the people.
And he has just about accomplished his mission. In fact Obama is slightly ahead of schedule and for all of the non-believers out there, the Obamamanics, the Koolaide-drinkers, the zombies, and brain dead and idiots, keep on living in fairyland and waiting for Utopia . This is mostly THEIR fault for supporting such an OBVIOUS con artist now named and now we all are suffering from this Clown in business suit. Its looking like the Liberal scum are finally going to have a chance at completely turning America into a Hippy-tree hugging paradise, where healthcare is provided free of charge and jobs are given to everyone regardless of their ability just so it fair. And hey, since there at it; they will make sure that mortgage companies give loans to people who really cant afford them! Thanks a lot Liberal's, you guys are so generous with other peoples money!!
Europe worships him, the Dictators worship him and of course the Muslims worship him. And they will continue to worship him, as long as he keeps peddling the bullshit.
You Can Not Educate Idiots. Tell me, What is the difference between an association with David Duke and an association with Jeremiah Wright? What's the difference between Michelle Obama an a pit bull? --- A pit bull isn't angry ALL the time!
This is what Barack Hussein Obama, the Klintoon's, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Scarey Hairy Reid, Botox Pelosi, and the mainstream media, et al really think about the lower and middle classes. They hate you, deplore you, they laugh and at you for being such Idiots!Many of Obama’s Polices Aren’t Just Liberal, They’re Just Plain Stupid!
* His repeated bows to foreign leaders, which suggests he doesn’t understand basic protocol.
* His efforts to try terrorists in civilian court reveal a severe misunderstanding of the U.S. Constitution.
* Criticizing American policy and leaders while on foreign soil.
* His idea that massive government spending will generate private sector jobs is a bizarre view not held by any credible free market economist and has no historical precedent.
* Obama thinks that foreign terrorists have the same rights as criminals do in the United States.
* Close the prison at Guantanamo within a year.
*Transparency and open government, when he won't even release his birth certificate, school records, tax returns or medical records.
* His belief that government must take over all health care in order to make it more efficient completely ignores the history of socialized medicine all over the world.
* Stopping to Call Terrorists “Terrorists ”!
* Obama thinks that scaring Terrorists with water boarding and dogs and humiliating them is just too severe. Hey, Obama, it's not like we're cutting of body parts or burning them. These are the same SOBs that kill innocent Americans simply because they are Americans.
* He appears to have no basic understanding of free-market economics.
* His view that apologizing to America’s enemies will earn us goodwill is naive and incredibly stupid.
Our Kick Ass Leader!